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Posts posted by stag

  1. my girlfriend and i have been together for 2 years now. I am 27 and she is 39. We have a great relationship. At least i thought so until last month when she seemed aching 2 tell me something. When i finally got it out of her she told me that she fancies jennifer lopez!


    I laughed at first but as we talked further she said she is really turned on by j-lo and even dreams of her when we make love. Every time in fact! Although a shock i accepted this as everyone is allowed to have what fantasy they like, even when having sex. She also said that she has fancied a few women who she has encountered in real life but has not acted on it. A week later she said that she had eggagerated her feelings and no longer feels them.


    However, recently she has became close with a girl at work and my imagination has gone into suspition mode. At first she talked about this girl alot. about what a laugh she is, how they get on and how good at her job she is. Then she started saying how pretty she is and what a fit body she's got. I didnt want to ask if she fancied her at this point as it may have been my imagination. I know they text each other as my gf told me and often says that jo has just texted when she receives one in front of me. I know that i shouldnt but when she left her phone behind accidently I sneaked a look. In the texts jo says things like 'great seeing you earlier' miss you sexy' and 'can't wait to see you again'. Not total proof on its own but it has furthered my suspitions. I have not seen what my gf sends to Jo though. This Jo is only 21. Am i being overly suspitious here?

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