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Posts posted by exhale

  1. As far as I see it, once the two of you split, you were both free to be with whomever you wanted. My issue with your ex is that he lied to you. Is this one of the reasons you two broke up in the first place? And not for anything, it doesn't matter if you were with him for years and didn't use a condom - are you going to put your life in his hands? He's obviously now just put you at risk.


    I think you need to examine why the two of you broke it off in the first place and why you really what to be back together with him.


    Hey if it works out, then I'm very happy for you. But make sure it's for the right reasons and in your best interest.


    Good luck.

  2. Hi Jessica,


    some of what you have said sounds like you are overreacting to nothing. Have you been hurt in the past and that is why you are so suspicious of him? It really doesn't sound to me like he has given you any reason to doubt him.


    However, on the flip side, if you want to know about this female friend of his, then ask him. But don't accuse him. Maybe ask him why you haven't met her yet and that if she is a good friend of his then you should meet her. I have good guy friends and I have always met their girlfriends. Just talk to him and be honest.


    What do you have to lose?

  3. I'm currently back together with my ex-fiance and I'm finding it a challenge to completely trust him again. When our engagement was called off - he called it off - he confided in me that he had once cheated on me in our first year together. Although it had been close to 4 years prior to our engagement, I had a difficult time with knowing this. Now, after a couple of years we have found our way back together again. Although we are both different people now, I still find it difficult to completely trust him. In my mind I wonder if he's cheating on me when I'm not around. I need to learn how to let go of these thoughts. Anyone have any suggestions on how to learn how to trust again?

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