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Posts posted by upndowngirl

  1. P.S. The way to deal with him.....Be charming, nice, say hello and be polite when nessecary. Don't go out of your way to be around him or not to be around him. Act as if he is any other boy. Don't speak badly about him. DO NOT call him and try to work it out.....that just makes them run further. Spend lots of time with your girlfriends, smiling and being nice and happy, even if you might feel like you want to throw up....This is all advice for school and in public. Act like he is no big deal.....becasue he really isn't. He will be shocked at how well adjusted you are and he'll start wondering why you are over him so fast.


    Now to get over him in private. Cry. Talk to your mom, dad, sisters, brothers, friends, etc. Everyday will be less and less painful. Today is the worst, it will get better tomorrow, and the next day and the next day.


    And, one little trick I always used to get over someone was: I would think of one or two things I really disliked about them and thought about it over and over until I would think to myself, "what was I thinking? He is so lame". "Yuck, I can't believe I actually liked him".

  2. Hey, You are in High School. I am 33. I had 2 boyfriends in High School and I thought I'd die without them!! Since then, and many boyfriends later, the guys from High School don't even enter my mind. You are going to grow up and have lots of other relationships. High School relationships are "practice" realtionships. It was a 2 1/2 month practice in dating. Also, boys his age are completely incapable of dealing with the emotions of girls. All he cares about is what his friends think and if he might get lucky. Forget about him!


    At 33, I have alot more life experience. I have flipped out on lots of guys, but guys are really simple and do really dumb, hurtful things. We women are much more complex. We have a great many more emotions that scare the little babies.


    Move on. As you grow older and meet more mature men, who have begun to learn from their other practice relationships, you'll finally find one that's a keeper. Don't beat yourself up for being yourself and standing up for what you wanted. That's what strong, independent women do.....and if he can't handle it, he's a little baby and you are better off.


    I remember my 2 high school relationships and I thought I loved both of them and wanted to get married and live happily ever after, but you know what? One's a fat construction worker who makes little money and the other one ended up marring another girl from my High School and he ended up being very jealous and controlling and she got a divorce from him.


    You did nothing wrong. Guys are just stupid, even at my age and I still have to get a little bit on my current boyfriends case from time to time. No big, drama, crazy fighting, but I am assertive and stand up for what I believe in. Be true to yourself and learn to ask for what you want, calmly.


    Forget this little H.S. boy. Go to college, meet a new one or two or twenty. Have fun and don't get so serious so young. After your out of college, then that's the time to get serious....the ones before are just practice.

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