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Posts posted by Gnaime

  1. I just recently talked to my parents and heard the story of their marriage and reconciliation. My Father has had addiction issues early on in their marriage which has caused some tension obviously. He started working the AA program and went to an outpatient program maybe 6 years ago. Doing well, until he slipped again. This was about 3 years ago, she was so fed up she kicked him out. She was "done" with him in her words. My brother and sisters all thought it was through for sure. Well about a month and a half goes by and he gets serious about recovery, my mother starts going to alanon and working things out on her end. He finally makes contact and she agrees to meet, he wrote her a letter explaining all of his internal troubles and things he has been doing. They part ways again for about another week until my Mother asks him to move back in. He declines stating that he feels like he has more work to be done on himself first. Another week goes by and he moves back in, and I can honestly say in the 26 years I have been on this planet I have never seen them more in love. This has been a few years now they've been back and better then ever.

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