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Posts posted by blanche

  1. Day 2 -


    For some odd reason you're out to hurt me when it was your decision to not continue on with things. You tell me you're sick of the fighting and it has nothing to do with the coworker you're very interested in. She doesn't want a relationship and she's leaving in 2 months so you want to keep me close just in case it doesn't work out with her.

    When I stop talking to you, you try and pull me closer. You texted me last night calling me stupid and showing me an old picture of us. You've turned into this bitter, angry person.

    I can't believe when I was bawling on the phone you told me to stop crying as if you were mega annoyed with me. When you know I'm not a crier, you know I'm not the type of person who cries.

    I'll continue not talking to you. And if you continue texting me and being mean it'll only push me away.




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. Day 3 & 4 - Today is exactly 9 months since everything in my life has turned over and changed. We did get back together in March but only for a short period of time. I'm so much better. Going to the gym is helping and I've stopped going on all of her social media accounts and checking things out. I haven't been on her facebook since a week after she broke up with me the second time.. but her twitter & tumblr & instagram and everything else... I've kept myself clear from that.

    I don't have my twitter or instagram private and I'm wondering if I should... I post things from time to time (nothing about her) but I like knowing she checks up on me and sees I'm doing okay (she has checked up on me, she admitted to it)


    What do you guys think? Should I private it?

  3. Day 2 - Went to the gym yesterday and almost cried because it felt so great to blow off some steam. I can't get little thoughts of her out of my head.. Her new girlfriend is getting closer with her family and her family meant so much to me. I need to learn to let them go also.

    I've blocked her off of everything I can. It helped. Except I didn't block her number.

    I hope everyone is doing okay

  4. I know it seems really really hard but I promise it DOES get better. The longer you go without messaging them, the longer they begin to think about you and what's going on in your life. I've been through this before and I know this time it'll take a little longer.


    The dumpee tends to go through the initial "break-up" feelings as soon as it happens. Denial, grieve, anger, sadness, etc.

    The dumper tends to be happy and relieved it ended at first, maybe feeling sadness and regret but only a little.. within time, (a couple of months down the line) especially if they aren't hearing from the dumpee at all, they tend to get nostalgic and think of all the good times and start wondering.


    PLEASE remember NCR is not strictly for your ex to come back to you. It is for you to get over them Work on yourself.. if after a month or so you still want them back, you'll be a more confident version of yourself!

  5. Day 1 -

    (Broke up December 13th, got back together in March, broke up again July 3rd..Both times she left me and jumped into a relationship with someone else a week later)

    No contact on and off - time to do this for minimum 60 days. I was thinking of doing it until her mom's birthday, November 4th.


    Good luck to me

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