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Posts posted by noralee

  1. I wish I hadn't continued to talk to you after your text out of the blue three weeks ago. I really was moving on and feeling better about our breakup, until that can of worms got reopen and I realized that I still loved you so much. I wish I could have just texted you back and left it at that, but I couldn't. I needed to tell you how I was feeling and that after 6 months apart and time away from each other that I wanted to try to rebuild what we had, that I wanted to say yes to your proposal from June and get married and start the family we had been talking about starting for the past 5 years. You said you you still loved me and that you missed me every day. You said you were open to taking things slow, opening communication again and seeing where things could go. You said you meant the things you said to me 6 months ago about getting married and starting a family. Why? Why did you have to do this when you were going to turn around a week later and just take it all away again? You have broken my heart over and over and I feel foolish for letting you do it again. You never deserved the love of such a beautiful, kind, thoughtful woman who wanted nothing but to have a future with you. You are a child who can't stand on your own two feet. You should be ashamed of what you have put me through and for being such a heartless person to me time and time again. I wish I could say I want you to go through the pain I have been going through and I hope you never find happiness, but I can't. At the end of the day, regardless of what has happened between us, I will always love you with every ounce of my being and I hope you can find happiness someday. I just wish you could have found a way to have it with me. Thank you for loving me. I will miss you.

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