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Posts posted by 00Samwise00

  1. To my first love,


    I put so much into our relationship emotionally, yet in the end you couldn't sort your feelings out and tried to hang on to me as a friend.

    You once thought I was the best. That I was perfect for you. That we would love each other forever. That I was the best boyfriend ever. That we were surely going to get married someday.


    Then your feelings magically changed.


    You never put yourself on the line for me.

    You never took the time to prioritize MY thoughts and feelings.

    You eventually brought me down instead of raising me up.


    I loved you and was willing to give my all. You were content to simply go with the flow, all the while completely controlling the relationship with your feelings. Then you got sick of me.

    We had so much potential. I still think we do. If you simply commit to work together with me and are willing to sacrifice some of yourself.


    But I know that by now it is probably too late. You've had no trouble moving on since we broke up. I see you every now and then. Smiling, laughing, having fun with your roommates, making friends with other guys. You have moved on; you seem so happy without me. Was I holding you back? Would you have been happier without those last couple months of our relationship? Do you take back all the tender and loving things you said to me? You remember those things, don't you? Those things that made me fall in love with you and want to work towards a long-lasting relationship?


    Almost two months have passed now since our separation, and I know that no matter how much I may want it, I will never have you back, although it is probably the best for the both of us. But I will never forget the intimate moments we shared and the feelings we expressed. There was so much hope between us. So much potential. You were my first kiss. Do you remember how magical it was? First kisses are supposed to be awkward; ours was pure magic. Now it is but a fleeting memory from many months ago.


    I still love you. In time I will be able to move on completely. I will find the right woman who will be my eternal companion, and I will look back on you with fond memories and hope that you find eternal love as well. But that time for me is not now. I am healing still. It will be months before I am fully healed. But no matter how you feel towards me, I will always think highly of you and cherish some of the happiest moments of my life; moments that were all about you.


    Goodbye, Nicole.

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