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Posts posted by BINY

  1. Thank you. It is good to know that I am not the only one out there. It kills me....and I have to let go. I think what scares me the most is that if I let go I LET GO of the possibilty of us getting back together. Even if I call a million times at least he won't forget me. If I don't call will he forget me? It is a weird sort of logic, and it hasn't been working. ](*,)


    so yes. I have been following the no contact rule. and I hope time can forgive the MANY MANY mistakes I have made since we broke up. I think I need to forgive myself first.


    you guys keep me posted as well!




    p/s. I still love him. for better or for worse. i love the jerk.

  2. I don't know what to do at this point. He is in another relationship right now ( long distance- which my friends point out probably won't last). I have lost my soul, my hopes, and my dreams and I don't want them back. I want him. He knows it too. We talked a couple of times, but he says "it isn't good for me to talk to him." Always the same conversation- it just didn't work out between us right now. Then I say...."maybe someday though.." He replies, "Maybe. I don't know what is going to happen. I will still be attracted to you. However- RIGHT NOW we won't be together."


    I keep hoping that someday we will. Do you believe that we will? Why doesn't he love me? How can I make him love me?

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