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John Cleary

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Posts posted by John Cleary

  1. There is a fine line between boudoir photography and glamour photography. Like sidehop says, done well it is beautiful and very tasteful. As a photographer myself I see first hand the massive empowering effect that it has on my clients... it is seeing their confidence blossom that makes it all worthwhile for me.


    Summerof85 make sure that you are happy with what you see on the photographers website. Your parents may not 'get it' but if they dont your shouldnt really let it put you off, its about you and how you feel. Assuming that you go ahead (if the photographer doesn't organise it) make sure you get your make up and hair professionally done first, it will make all of the difference. You will likely feel far more self confident after the photography session. I'm happy to offer any help or advice if you would like it, you can contact me through my website..just google jcboudoir


    Hope it goes well for you.

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