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Posts posted by Danmasta

  1. I know all about this and I'm sure a lot of other people do.


    I guess we can only hope for our new relationship to be a rich enough tapestry for any of the past to ever rise back to he surface.

    The image hits home with me in remembrance of people I have loved who allowed their past to rise to the surface and spoil the current relationship.


    Thanks for the response, I'm glad someone else can understand what I was trying to portray. I was kind of worried that the description was a little to deep for the painting. I wish people weren't afraid of the past or the future. Love is the most important thing, and when we start to lose sight of the present, fear sets in. It can ruin even the best relationships.

  2. image removed


    "Well, it's not a she question as much as it's a what and when question. It's old love. And in this case, old, sore, lost love. Part of the trouble with the old haunting love, is that it * * * * s with your future loves, it can damn and ambush your future relationships."


    This piece is about that place inside us where we hide our old, lost love. We tend to build new realities over the old ones and hope they don't break through. Eventually it starts to corrode and the problems swim back out to get you; because they never really left, they just scarred over. This is about looking inside yourself, examining those scars, taking time to mend them, rip them off, discard them.. At the very least, explain them, so when you do look back, you find peace.


    you can download the wallpaper here: link removed

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