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Posts posted by CyberSuze

  1. I'm so sorry your school doesn't have any career counselor! Mine did and I got very poor advice, so I had to take extra courses before college.


    It's a good idea for you to stick with the basics, even if you don't find them interesting right now. For instance (believe it or not), learning algebra and geometry can actually help you with graphic design, architecture, and interior or fashion design, among other things.


    Whatever you do, don't try to take what now seems like the easier route and substitute business courses for things like science and math if you want to get into college.


    Here are some websites where you can take free career tests:


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    Additionally, many local libraries and universities will let you come in and use their resources to help you determine which career path is best for you. I recommend that you contact the librarians at your community libraries and universities to see what they offer before paying them a visit.


    Good luck!

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