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Posts posted by Lighting1

  1. I wrote this at a time whe I felt like qutting.


    Just know patience is gold

    Keep chasing your dreams no matter what you’re told

    Even when it feels like you’re lost in the night

    Keep moving and never give up the fight

    Even on days where it hurts so much you have to cry

    Never give up and always keep your head to the sky

    Life gets hard many times with violence, poverty, war, and disease

    There just seems to be too many unhappy people to please

    Hungry kids starving and still not given food to eat

    I shed tears as bodies pile on the street

    Too many people are left alone to face the pain inside

    Then we wonder what would make one commit suicide

    People would rather seek money than help a person in need

    It’s hard being a decent person in a world full of greed

    Then we have crazy psychopaths that don’t think twice about blasting

    There is a huge shadow that suffering is casting

    All the haters in this world waiting for you to fail

    Innocent people locked up in jail

    Yeah it seems hopeless sometimes

    Even little kids fall victim to war crimes

    Don’t give in to the pain even if you’re at the end of the rope

    Dry your eyes and please don’t ever lose hope

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