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Posts posted by BlondeAmbition

  1. Preface: My bf of nearly two years broke up with me due to various reasons, one being our personality differences...but more importantly, our constant fighting, which was largely due to my issues with anxiety/inability to control my emotions and impulses. He was so patient and kind, but even nice guys have their limits. I drove him away, and it's awful. This poem represents my inner turmoil. My tears are the ink for my emotional pen.



    I think I’ll stay in bed today,

    And hide beneath my quilt

    Can’t force a smile

    Or fake denial

    No, today…I sleep with guilt.


    I think I’ll cry alone today,

    And let each tear drop stain

    The pillow that sinks into my face

    Salty shots of self-disgrace

    Today, I taste my shame.


    I think I’ll wear your shirt today,

    Drench my skin with your sweet scent

    And just like a martyred masochist

    I’ll torture myself, and reminisce…

    Today, I wear lament.


    I think I’ll drink cheap wine tonight

    Until my heart numbs, forgets,

    The taste of your lips

    On the small of my hips

    Today, I kiss regret.


    I almost saw the sun today,

    Almost, and yet, not quite,

    He peaked and peered,

    Then disappeared,

    And sank into the night.


    I almost laughed aloud today

    The sound felt faint, and weak,

    But that smile, while brief,

    Soaked up the grief

    That saturates my sorrowed cheeks


    I think I’ll try to wake today

    But sun, I feel so weak…

    “My dearest friend,

    Come take my hand,

    And as we rise,

    You’ll understand

    The strength you’ve been

    So desperate to find

    Already dwells within your mind

    Time moves slow

    But, it’s on your side

    Each day will bring

    More hope, new light

    Don’t suffer in silent solitude

    Turn to friends for fortitude

    They’ll remind your

    Heart just how to laugh

    And with time,

    You’ll learn to grasp

    The wisdom tucked beneath the blue

    With sadness, with tears

    Comes focus and view

    Next time your heart feels

    Punched to death

    Take deep breaths,

    And close your eyes…

    You’re stronger than you realize.

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