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Posts posted by Set.Me.Free.So.I.Can.Fly

  1. 7-21-06

    © Care S.


    I'm tired even though I don't think I could sleep,

    Ready to find a happiness something I can really keep,

    Unable to stand this lonelness I feel,

    Why can't I see straight to a love that could be real.


    Tears in the night time continue to fall,

    There isn't a light strong enough to see through it all,

    Everything feels so much bigger in my eyes,

    All around my heart and soul sits all these lies.


    Ugly eats away my beauitful face,

    I have to run faster and faster to keep up with lifes race,

    I cannot share anymore pain,

    Please pour down falling rain.


    Feelin lost wonder if I'll be found,

    Still mute to the world spoken not a sound,

    Thoughts going through my head,

    Cramping my brain things unsaid.

  2. I'm not everything perfect,

    He says I could be,

    She tells me I should be,

    They reply I would be.


    Not broken yet,

    Torn at the edges,

    Letting my forgiveness set,

    Not clung to the deaths ledge.


    A new day of freedom starts,

    I become a little stronger,

    Learned ways to repair my heart,

    There's too much beauty not to be long.


    Birds sing rejoice today,

    Bringing me close to find my way,

    The sun is warm on my back like a friend,

    With me through till the end.


    Darkness still comes around,

    I won't let it push me to the ground,

    I sit healing slow,

    It's hard just to wait.



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