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Posts posted by PorchRug

  1. I worked for a major telecom company for 8 years. My boss of 3 years promised to help me get into management after I graduated. 6 months before graduation my manager tells me he won't promote me because I'm not ready but he continually gives the opportunity to members of a different race. When I confronted him with the false promises and being stepped over by my counterparts I became a trouble-maker! (lol) When I went to higher level executives, again I hit a brick wall. Now this is STRESS!!! After 8 years of dedicated work, I was well above good standing but I was continually being denied the opportunity to grow with a growing company because of my race. Eventually I submitted a letter of resignation because of my own integrity. In a good year I would make 70,000 and that is without my degree. Now that I'm degreed in computer science I make $12.50 per hr. approximately 25,000 per year, this is hardly adequate to pay my mortgage, car payments, and take care of my wife and kids like I used to. I see why folks commit suicide. Bill collectors keep calling and I don't have the money. Enter: DEEP DEPRESSION!!! I keep looking for jobs but nothing is on the horizon. Everyday I feel sick and depressed, my wife and I argue about things that we have never argued about. I have no cable TV, no cell phone, and will lose my home soon if I can't find a better job. I know this is a hard one but does anyone have any suggestions?

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