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Should I be mad? I'm always mad!


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Well me and my boyfriend fight alot because we don't have our own place and we are pretty old 25 & 27 to be exact. I feel like its the reason why we are always fighting! We have no privacy and its our own faults. He doesn't have his own place because he is trying to get into Real Estate, and he doesn't have a steady job, and me because I screwed up and got into debt ( I have good credit but don't make enough to move out) I am trying to pay my bills off. I feel that its ruining us, we fight so much When we first met he was roomates with his cousin and we got along well, small arguments but enjoyed eachother.

But today he was supposed to meet me at his house to hang out, I get here and hes not here so I call him and he doesn't answer. Then he calls me back and says its going to be an hour and a half because while he was out trying to sale a house he got a listing or something. I feel really mad because he didn't even say sorry! He is going to be an hour and a half late. Am I overreacting. I am sorry if this post is jumbled up, I am just so pissed

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You have a right to be upset, as if he knew he was going to be a little late, he shold have let you know long before you arrived at his place... also, you're feeling as though you're coming second to work, it's a hard one.

Calmly tell him when you see him that you were disappointed by the fact that he didn't call you first and that he didn't apologise. They don't know what they're doing to upset us unless we tell them!

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Is this new behaviour? How long have you been together?

It could just be that he is focused on his career and trying to get the money together so you can both have a future together, or it could be that he is being selfish. You know him best, and I believe usuallu what our own gut tells us is right. Either way, you need to talk with him and let him know you are hurting

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Yeah, I know what you mean, that's why it is so important to let him know when he has done something that makes you upset or makes you doubt him, letting them get away with it once or twice means he thinks that he's done nothing wrong and then more of that same behaviour will follow.

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Real estate is a business you work when your clients want you. I have a friend who had to leave his 4th of July party to go show a house because that was the only time the client was available. He made the sale, pocketed 5 figures, and came back to the party.


I interned at a RE firm once, and those people must have lived there. "Can you come in on saturday at 8am?" "Its only 9pm, why would we leave the office" Yeah they all had tons of money, but most of them were single too.


You need to make peace with this fact if you plan to be with someone in real estate. If he gets REALLY good at his job, the money will flow in fast, but it comes at a heavy price.

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