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Career Question about age.

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I have a question about age discrimination. I will graduate at age 26 from a science/education degree with major in geology and minor in mathematics. I have genuine concern that my age might place serious limitations on my ability to start a career in a new field. Given that by the time I reach graduation my work experience will consist of pizza shop, butchers, petrol station, telephone sales, and warehousing. Not exactly a plethora of knowledge.


Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Math teacher at what level? Normally to teach math in elementary, junior high or high school you would need a teaching degree. To teach in college you would need a masters in math. And to teach in university you would need a Phd in math.


Anyway, to answer your question, age shouldn't be an issue. 26 might not seem young to you, but it is very young.

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Cool. I loved my high school math teacher. He wore purple every day, had a purple chair and only used purple chalk. If you would wear purple to class he would give you bonus marks.


You can totally be eccentric and fun if you're a high school math teacher! I'm envious..

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if you let it become an obstacle, of course it can be one!


this is a silly question, captain. you know what you want, now go after it!


many people go back to school in their 30s-40s ...to medical/law/dental school....and end up just fine


if you want to be a math teacher, just follow your goal and you will be one!


you are still very young.

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