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I believe the hardest part of being "dumped" is the personality changes that your loved one seems to undergo. Compassion and caring that you are so accustomed to seems to fly out the window until you're dealing with a stranger. You can't help but wonder what in the heck happened to the person you thought you knew so well.


Would others tend to agree?

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yeah you're not kidding. this is what happened to my ex and why i ultimately broke contact with him--he became an A-hole. maybe in time he'll get better and such but right now i cant deal with the fact that he did a whole 180...it's absurd.


yes, same thing happened to me. When that happens you at least realize you don't want them anymore-still miss the one you knew but not this person.

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I agree!!! My ex went from loving me, can't live without me anymore, wants to move with me...then one day!!! POOOF!!!! she's gone, changed her feelings and is not in love with me anymore. It's like someone kidnapped the one I knew and loved and replaced her with a shell that looks like her and talks like her but has no heart like she once had....It's very confusing and heart breaking to say the least. Makes you wonder what were they thinking prior to making this drastic change and what gave them the strength or the final straw to push them over the edge to break up.......Maybe we'll never know the real answers, or maybe we already know but to afraid to accept it or see it....

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I think it is when you find out what the person is really like - how other people see them and have to deal with them.

It really is quite an interesting (yet scarring) phenomnum. To be honest, there has been a few times when I have thought "geez, I'm actually glad to see you go" because I didn't really like their "non in-love" personality.

(hmmm, so that's why none of my friends liked her)

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I guess it is "normal" for your ex to turn into a different person when they leave you. A defense mechanism or something. My ex was a sweet, caring, responsible person who turned into a cold, drunk, rebellious girl who only wants to party and sex it up. Not at all the girl I fell in love with but was part of her that was around way before I met her.


She thought she learned her lesson from past mistakes, but I guess not.


It really makes you question who the real person is? Was the relationship a ploy? It hurts and is scary!!

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It's Alien City with my ex. I know everyone is on their best behaviour when they first start dating someone because you want to impress them and get them to like you.


And time goes on and your imperfections and fobiles start to show - we all have them, we're all human. To me, that is when the relationship starts, when reality kicks in. And that's great, because you have to love a person and accept their human faults all for a relationship to work.


However, the alien is a differennt phenomenon. Total personality and behaviour changes, doing the opposite of what they used to do and becoming everything they claimed to abhor. * * * is that?

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