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Hi happy valentines day


I have two questions at the moment...


If you sending resume online, would you put your photo and how would you do it?? company asking ms-word format resume, but I don't know how to put photo to them.. or should I attach as separate..??


and also..does it show that you really want that job if you send by air

the same thing..? or that just not necessary?


I haven't got much clue about applying job online..


hope I could get help.. thank you


Hey unpretty-


You ask some questions I have asked before. I searched high and low for answers from very accomplished and reputable sources and here is the gist of what I got.


First off, unless you are applying for a modeling job or a similar job where your appearance is critical in selection for this job, do not attach a picture.


I'm not sure what you mean by sending by air. Are you talking about sending a hard copy of your resume along with the online submission? Most companies these days don't accept hard copy resumes unless they specifically ask for them.


At any rate, I was told you have a much better chance of getting selected for an interview if you speak to someone at the company directly, preferably in person at a job fair, career fair, etc., and have them shepherd your resume through the process. A lot of times, big companies have tens of thousands of applicants and there is no way the hiring managers can sort through every one. Even with keywords, this is very difficult.


So see if you can talk to someone at the company and send them your resume. You have a much better chance of getting an interview by doing this vs. adding to the likely already-bloated applicant pool by anonymously applying online.


oh i see.. the job I'm trying to apply is nowhere near to modeling job..

so I guess I'm not putting photo..


unfortunately I don't think I can talk to people in the company... only it says I could ask questions by e-mail only, but that's kind of uncomfortable for me to ask questions.. even if I have.. cos I wouldn't know what impression I would giving the company by ask questions... or should I a lot?


I'm not in U.S., what I meant sending by air was snail mail..sending hard-copy of resume..


friscodj & ellie2006, thank you so much for your reply.




I would ask questions. Ask as many questions as you have. Sit down, write them out, make sure they are intelligent and productive.


If you can, talk to someone who makes hiring decisions, even if via email. You want to develop an impression that is backed up by your resume. It's all you have in this instance to set yourself apart from the other applicants other than what's on your resume.


I agree, do ask (intelligent) questions. If you are unsure of what sort of questions to pose, there are TONS of job interview books available. Although they may list questions that you would want to ask during an interview, you can adapt these into email questions.


hi thank you so much.


would it be "not" intelligent to ask what gender would the receiver (HR) person would be? cos when applying, I got to say..

mr. or mrs.. stuff like that and I read somewhere in the book that to

say like just mr./mrs. is showing that being rude..and I can't be botherd to check such things in the first place..?


hmm..i need to work on more important things like resume itself..but

from those small? thigns like that.. I'm in stuck..


Although there are no dumb questions (please ask away here), there are some things that I would not ask a potential employer. Rather than asking for someone's gender, ask who should you address your resume to. Hopefully, they will tell you "Mr. Harry Smith", but if you get something like "Jamie Green", I would not ask whether Jamie is male or female. Instead, I would do some investigative work on my own. Check the website for any clues or sometimes I will call the company after hours and listen to the individual's voicemail recording. If I can no figure it out or if there's any doubt, I drop the title and address it to simply "Jamie Green". If all things fail and I have no name, it to "Recruiting Director" or the title that I want to read my resume or as the previous poster has suggested "To Whom It May Concern" covers all your bases!


hi thank you so much for the reply.


I did Mr./Ms. cos I couldn't get any clue from website..or other sources.

though now I know after I got auto reply...


I've just sent my resume through e-mail, and got quick auto reply that

recruitor in on leave for a bit while.


should I reply something?

or most likely I would get same e-mail cos it says auto reply..??


I don't feel its right just to get this and not replying...but I'm not sure..

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