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Hey all,


It's 2:00 AM here and I am still not sleeping. My head just won't shut up!


I am in one of the most busy weeks I have had so far in my PhD project, and although I enjoy it a lot, I really need some advise for letting GO. Because it seems that that is pretty basic for a person in order to fall asleep


* Today I was a bit angry, I share a one person room at work with my co-worker, and since his partner moved to this town she is often there. To use the phone, the internet, etc. I understand that they don't have that at home and cellphone would be so incredibly expensive for the long calls with companies etc.


But this week, the one week before my end-of-year report-deadline... You'd think he would understand, right? Instead no, his parents call him at work and talk for an hour, ... etc. Thing is, I am very VERY fond of him as a friend and colleague and since we work 50-60 hour weeks in a room of barely 12 square meter... I'd like to have no conflict or hurt feelings here. But of course me not requesting silence in this particular week now still bothers me. Hm.


* More generally, I like to work late because I have better focus during the night (evening till around 10PM). But then I also want to start early. So in this month, that by accident had 3 deadlines (all met, the report is the last one), I pretty much had this kind of day: wake up at 7AM, go to work around 8AM, work with regular short breaks until around 9PM, go home, throw a previously cooked meal *yes, I cook a lot in the weekend... eat it in bed, have a short convo with bf, try to sleep around 12PM at least.


It worked until today! But now I can't slow my thoughts down, they keep being frustrated about the fact my workspace is not quiet and how not sleeping will make me so drowsy tomorrow, if my theory will work out for the data, blabla! Blabla! Guys, if anyone of you has a brilliant idea how to quick-sooth your mind in crazy times at work... I'd be happy to hear them!




I have been in similar situations and for me there is substitute for burning of energy through exercise, more over, doing something I enjoy doing and doing it with everything I've got. The endorphins feel oh so good...


Go for a walk or jog before bedtime, this will tire your body out physically.


Have a cup of chamomile tea before bed.


Have your last meal of the day by 5:30pm at the latest! This way your body will be finished digesting by bedtime and won't be "doing things" while you're trying to sleep.


Cut down on the caffeine.


Thanks for the commonsense guys, I needed it! It seems that my hours are just crazy... I normally work out (capoeira) like 3 times a week and I can't even spare the time now. And I know I would sleep a LOT better if I had trained tonight instead of typing my report. But the report is more important, it's hard to balance here and I know I should




Get really warm and comfortable somewhere (wool socks on your feet and a comforter on) and put the TV on (with the volume lower than normal) and watch something that will take your mind off your worries. You will fall asleep.


Hi Arwen:

I too have been having problems like this at work. Although I don't share such a small space, I have many people in the office walking around me, talking constantly. I went and bought an MP3 player and wear that every day to help drown out the back ground noise.


Of course this doesn’t help if you have a problem concentrating with noise, but sometimes Nickelback is better than the chatter of co-workers. It is also sometimes easier than taking the step and telling your co-worker that they are bothering you…


Also, what might help with falling asleep is keeping a pen and paper by your bed. If something comes to mind that is important and you can’t stop thinking about it, write it down. That has been a tremendous help for me. I stop thinking about it obsessively because I know I will have it in the morning.


Good luck!


Hiya guys,




I have been working like crazy last week, and I am almost finished. Today I had a talk with my supervisor who really had only a few remarks


Ok so I slept the whole weekend (my poor bf, he was cooking for me, and taking care, and I was such a booore!). And although I was tempted to work another day of 8AM-10PM... I thought 'not a good idea' Smart, huh. And tomorrow I WILL go to capoeira. AND I will tell my roommate that I am easily distracted and if he minds to take the personal talks on the phone to the moments I am not in the room, or at least ask before he does. Because now his partner is there at least once a day, they just had a new place and I understand they still need to make arrangements for internet, tv, etc. but... that should not be my problem. He's a quiet guy really, but he really has no clue that I can't shut noise out that easily, esp. not when I am writing. So.


Thanks heaps again galls and guys!





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