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Need To Make This Better...please Help


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NSY991, not trying to rub it in, more trying to explain my disagrement with others who are both posting here. Hang in there.


You are getting good advice about leaving him be for now. I think you might have a good guy, because he seems to be trying to give you what he can, even while he knows he cannot give you much. For now, not talkign with him about the two of you, but you can talk about other things, even via email. Your are in mourning for one of the toughest things there is in life to go through, and it will take a while to grieve. Take your time, find support where and when you can, some here, please. We will listen, and while some of us judge, we are normally not judging to be nasty, but to help you see what went wrong, so you can fix it or avoid it in the future.


Take care, and know you have our condolences.

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