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Ladies - Facial hair - yay or nay?


I have a kind of half beard - as in shaved from the jawline down and have been considering shaving the rest off.


Opinions? Do we prefer clean shaven, shaved, stubbly....


depends , thin chin strap? OK gotee? OK full facial hair NAY!! nasty , gross , makes you look like a bum and a dirt bag , even Brad Pitt cant pull it off ( he tried)

clean cut is ok , but full and big !!!!!!! BAD BAD BAD BAD

A girl dont want to feel like she is kissing pubic hair


thanks for the reply. It's very well groomed I assure you!


Had this "look" for a while... Maybe I'll go clean shave for a while but I just hate having to drag razor blades accross my face every morning!


I accually like a scruffy beard Everyones different. Probably the majority of girls wouldn't like it. It probably has alot to do with their age too. Do you have a gf? Ask her.


I think beards (short ones) can look very attractive on the right people.


I think they can look nice , but can also feel terrible ....




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Looks hot but is probably pinchy as hell.....





It totally varies on both the girl and the guy. Some guys look really sexy with it, but it makes others look like a child molester.


Personally, I'm not much of a fan of facial hair... 2-day stubble is reeeeeeeallly hot in my opinion...


Mustaches are creepy...

I say let the ladies think what they will about the beard if it is something that you enjoy having then go with it.


That's always been my approach - I look how I want to look. But, right now I kinda want to maximise my options with the fairer sex and shaving everyday would be a small price to pay.


Maybe I'll put a photo up tomorrow and let y'all decide if it suits me or not.

Once again, the opposite sex controls our actions.

You and your Dad look hot with the facial fuzz


I think depends on the guy. Some men can look good with beards, some its not right for their face. I like goatees but not the other weird shaving stuff, and the super long side burns that are made into points and junk, yuck.


I've only had a beard or not, and never understood the fussy sculptures some guys maintain. To me it's simply shave or don't.


all of my exs loved my clean shave look. only some said they like my unshaven shadow after a couple of days. i shave my mustache and keep the little piece under the lip and some chin hair with semi short clean sideburns. chicks dig it. i have dark brown/black hair.


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