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i cant get myself to tell this girl i met online that i like her. I met her through a game of uno on xbox and ive developed a friendship with her since then. Ive known her for about 3weeks or more. After all the video chatting in uno and online conversations ive developed feelings for her that are beyond friendship. The only problem is that she lives roughly 1000 miles away from me.


I want to tell her that i like her but im afraid she might not feel the same way back and after might stop talking to me. Idk i really need some help here..should i just tell her and get it off my chest or stay friends and get over it?




I think you should tell her, maybe gradually.


If she doesn't have similar feelings, it doesn't neccessarily mean you can't remain friends.


Of course, some people might find it a bit awkward, but I think it is a risk worth taking.


Good luck and best wishes.




wat do u mean by gradually? like tell her a little bit lol..i dont know.


Yea she is kind of like a party girl..but who isnt...so i dont know how she will take it.


so far i kind of give hints that i like her but it does seem kinda dumb to do


Oh, maybe tell her that you really enjoy her company, even though you are so far apart...


What kind of vibes do you get from her?


This stuff is never an exact science... Just have to go on gut instinct sometimes and wing it.


I just mean I wouldn't spill my guts all at once...




Do not take Jeffrey2095s advice (sorry jeffrey) be direct but casual about your romantic intentions. Half the people on this website are posting because they were indirect or slow about their intentions and are paying

for it now. Granted you should put some social intelligence into this and gauge how best to do it, how she might respond, but dont do it gradually, your just giving yourself more time to look indecisive or cowardly for not expressing your feelings when you developed them, and more time to be friend zoned. If it doesnt work out and you just want to be friends and you think you can cool your feelings off (probably not that likely) tell her its cool and you want to continue a completely nonsexual nonromantic relationship, but for gods sake man be direct. Side advice: tell her what you like about her (the unique personality and otherish) type stuff before you do. Also PM me and tell me how it goes and what you did for the sake of science .


I guess it depends on how you define "gradually".


I'm not saying you should beat around the bush for a month...


But, if you lay all your cards on the table, (so to speak,) you might be putting a little too much pressure on her, and possibly make the friendship you might retain a little awkward.


If you get good vibes from her, step it up.


If she doesn't respond, well, try and keep it on a basis of friendship...


If it's not too painful.


Good luck




I partially agree. Like I said you should do it casually, if you confess undying love with poetry even if she is interested in dating you, if she doesnt return that undying love things are bound to turn out badly. I dont agree that you should not pressure her a little, granted you want her to make her decision because she likes you. That is exactly my point though, if you do not put pressure on her by making your intentions and what you want crystal clear that gives her leeway to put you in a sort of friend with possible romantics limbo. What I mean is that you want to pressure her to make a decisive decision, if you want to stay friends that can be made with a decisive decision as well, but fluctuating in between is not a good place to be because it is not really a place to be.


r u kidding me?


my guy and I live in different countries and nothing is holding US back!


you're a teenager right? well, it's not gonna get any easier finding your match as you get older...if u find it, gotta catch it.."love is a battlefield" LOL.


g'luck once again.

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