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man, I just really want to go home? What happened to my life? Why is someone else living my life? My home is gone, my life is gone, that nice job I was working is gone, the daily rituals and all the time spent not just with her, but in our home is gone, my friends are scattered, my EX is now with another guy; everything I knew is gone.


I can bring myself back to reality and sometimes even convince myself that this change is a good thing and will teach me to grow, if I allow it, but...



I still miss my home.


Hey there. You are going to be ok. I felt that way after I broke up with my boyfriend of almost two years too. You'll feel that way for a while. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, remember you only have to get through this moment, this day, today. Worry about the rest when it actually gets here. You will be ok. Hugs, Sheila


Not quite the same but I remember about 9 months after the end of my marriage and I had just met my current partner thhinking "How did I get here?" It didn't seem real for a long time.

Not quite the same but I remember about 9 months after the end of my marriage and I had just met my current partner thhinking "How did I get here?" It didn't seem real for a long time.


I thought something like that when I met my girlfriend, well, shortly after I met her. I was single for a really long time, so none of it seemed real at first.


I feel that way a lot. It hit me so hard this weekend that I just felt like I was going to explode. I miss my life with him so much. It's hard to stand it sometimes. I guess with time it will go away.


Hi need2bme,


I felt like that for about 3 months. When my ex asked me to leave the home we shared I had to move in with my parents, it was so difficult and I felt homesick all of the time.


I recently got a new place of my own and for the first week I felt homesick again...but gradually I am feeling more and more like I am home and it feels good.


I know it's not just the bricks and mortar, but the whole lifestyle and set of routines that you share, but it WILL get better I promise that xxx


You guys are so right and thanks for posting. I know time will help, because that is all I can hope for. It is just that sometimes it just really hits with (almost as Melrich puts it)..."How the heck did I get here?".


Thanks again.


Hi need2bme - I can totally relate.


A long time ago - when I was living with a bf, I lost my job. A job I reeeealy liked. Not even a week later, my bf broke if off with me and asked me to move out.


It took me a whole YEAR to get over that, "I wanna go home - how did I get here?" feeling.


Liek all have said tho - good new is....it DOES get better.......


oh god I know how you feel.. after my seperation it was so painful to think of "my" home not being "mine"..all the memories, the "ideal" of what I 'hoped and thought" it was all going to be.. it's so tough to "let go" of all those thoughts... they are indeed "tormenting" but FATE has a way of nudging us "though the process of heartache" to a "better" and "more fulfilled" version of ourselves.. and we can eventually learn that "all things" external.. are just that, they are "external" they are NOT "inside" of us.. and they can come and go, but we can always cherish our "sense of self"..because really in the long run, it is the most precious. YOU are going to heal.. you will...


I've been there, and it's just one emotional step at a time, making a choice to "trust fate" and embrace the "newness" and the "unknown" of the future, and try, just try as hard as you can to "breathe, smile, and ask someone else.."how are you doing?"...


I did this one day at the grocery store, I was checking out my groceries, I was sad that I was buying food just for one..ugh..but I thought to myself, snap out of it.. just stop focusing on what "isn't".. so I forced a smile and said to the cashier, "how are you doing today?" and she said, "okay, my car broke down on the way to work..but triple A is fixing it..so it all worked out thanks for asking...you?" and I sighed and matter of factly said, "well, I'm nursing a broken heart"..she said, "oh sorry, but we've all been there, you'll be okay, you'll be even better, here (and she put some flowers in my cart) and said, "put those in a vase for YOURSELF"....


I cried all the way home in the car... back to my new little place.. and thought, "I will be okay..even better".. and I put those flowers right next to my bed..to remind me how many wonderful people there are in the world, and I'm going to meet so many of them... and more importantly I'm going to "be" one of them too... more understanding, more patient, more kind.. and I'm going to choose to "smile" even if I have to fake that once in awhile... our lives are NOT just about the ex.. and YOU have so many wonderful adventures, and accomplishments, and love in your future...


Geeze, blender you are amazing at saying what you want to. You need to be writing scripts for movies=]=] You are so very right though, he will experience so much more in life than just this. This will all pass and one day he will look back and think man, the time in my life seems so far away. Hang in there need2beme. You doing so well still, I so admire that. Don't give up.=]=]

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