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I'm not sure where to put this, but I never am when I post things but I think this is the right spot for it...


So heres my sitchuation, I've posted about this girl before but things have changed much so let me try to explain everything...


Alright, I've had it really bad for this girl since my sophomore year, I've tried really hard to be with other girls, but I just can't get past her no matter how hard I try, everytime I get withanother girl I freak and break it off with them...


This girl that I have it bad for, has broken up with her boyfriend and its been a few months ago they broke up, and me and her have gotten alot more close... She says she 'doesnt feel anything', but the things she says to me, the way she acts torwards me I just don't see how this is the case and I'm not sure if shes in denial or just scared, because I know shes scared of being hurt again and scared of hurting me, and I know she is scared that if we were together and broke up that we wouldnt be as close as we are now... but she says things to me like "I'll make a great husband someday" and that I helped her get over her last b/f, and then the past few nights shes been coming over and watching movies or tv with me and we usually just talk through the movie and lay close together, and before we leave to take her home we hold each other... and she holds me so close to her I can feel her squeezing me and she tends to breath a little more then normal... I just don't see how she can do this and really not have feelings for me...


I've tried to go no contact with her before and ignore her, but I have a drug problem when I am really hurt I have no where to turn it feels like so I take them to "feel better" but I never can take enough to truly "feel better" I know I shouldn't be taking them and I want to stop but sometimes I Just get so desperate to feel better I feel like I need to try something... but the no contact has never worked and we always end up talking and getting close again.... what do you guys make of this? any suggestions? any hope for us or for me? I'm sorry if this is long but thanks to anyone who has any help to offer me I really need it...


hey buddy... I would concentrate on the drug problem first... it's hard to be in a healthy relationship with anyone when you have that to contend with on the side. Plus your health and well being is a whole lot more important than some fling....


As far as the girl is concerned it sounds like you're in the friend zone... she has all the advantages of a relationship without having to take the risks... so there's no reason for her to upgrade the relationship. You're on the right track with no contact but you need to workout your personal issues. Good luck.

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