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Hi here I am again with an evident question -_-


I am 20 but since I study in another town ( I live in a room i rent 5 days each week ). Thats one of the reasons I dont have a car ... I have other plans with my money and I dont really need one atm.


But it often anoying ... I want to drive girls back home or take friends with me easilier.

Atm I always have to make "rendez-vous" to a particular place.


I experienced some cases where not having a car was sometimes annoying for dating ... especially if its in another town -_-


Do u think the fact I dont have a car can have serious impacts on dating ?

By that i DO NOT mean I would want a car to brag with ... its all about the practical aspect of having a car


I don't know, I think it depends on the girl. I personally love driving and usually do for anything I do with friends. But I know some women rate a guy on his car, so they would not find you're situation attractive.


Are there any alternatives to car travel? Bus, train, etc? Motorcycles are a good cheap alternative and it can be even more attractive for dating situations.


Hello Anathema001


Yeah... not having "wheels" can certainly put a cramp in your dating on occasion.


What about a scooter? Those are fun and pretty hip.


Maybe you could double date on occasion with a buddy who has a car.




If you're in Belgium you should be able to get around from town to town by train, right? It's not like here in Canada where the towns are 1/2 hour apart and a car is the only way to get there!


But no, this shouldn't affect your dating prospects. If a girl doesn't have a car of her own, then she's used to finding other ways to get around. Just try to be a gentleman - walk her home or wait for the train with her. Always call her later to make sure she arrived home safely.

If you're in Belgium you should be able to get around from town to town by train, right? It's not like here in Canada where the towns are 1/2 hour apart and a car is the only way to get there!


But no, this shouldn't affect your dating prospects. If a girl doesn't have a car of her own, then she's used to finding other ways to get around. Just try to be a gentleman - walk her home or wait for the train with her. Always call her later to make sure she arrived home safely.


Well yes first of all in Belgium its easy to travel but sometimes like I said it can be annoying.


The girl I date owns a car.


I do have money for a car but I need it for alot of other stuff


i think not having a car definatley makes dating not harder, but more complicated. Its better for both people when there is a reliable form of transportation.

Risking to sound vain - it will help to have a car (I am not saying great car, just a car to come from point A to point B).



I am thinking since some time about buying a bike but my friends say a car is better for any wether and for when u have to bring people to parties.


Yeah, but if you can't afford a car? While they aren' that practical on rainy or snowy days, when you pull up, dressed in leather from head to toe, your appearance just screams bad boy!


Unless your riding a moped, then it screams.....well I'm not sure what it is, but I'm sure it screams something.


I used to drive a motorcycle and not even own a car from when I was 16 to 21. I didn't even own a car until I was 22. I had the leather jackets and the works. The bad boy look never worked for me personally and I never attracted any women with that look.


When I gave up my motorcycle at 22 and got a car, I also changed my look and started looked rather opposite of before. I've had the good boy look ever since and personally, that has work FAR BETTER for attracting women. I assume because it matches my personality. Some women do prefer nice guys. Certainly many do. I've always looked very good boyish and angelic, with the exception of from age 16 to 21, when I looked a lot rougher, and I can tell you that did NOT work for me.


I think the bad boy look is highly over-rated, and the good boy look is highly under-rated when both are compared to reality, based on my experiences.


I had my motorcyle and my leather jackets because I liked them, not to attract women. They never attracted a single woman either. Not one. Ever since I changed my look, I kept the leather jackets (had-have a collection), but no more black leather biker's jackets. The good boy look works much better for me with regard to attracting women. So don't ever let anyone tell you women prefer bad boys. Some might, but many prefer good guys. Also, not every guy can pull off the bad or good look. Your look has to be suited to your personality, IMO.


I don't think most women care if you own a car, or not. Women who rate men by their cars are superficial women. So missing out on them is no loss.


I have a friend who never owned a car until he was in his 30s. He had no problems dating during his 20s without a car.


I think rating someone on their car is complete social conditioning, especially in suburban north America.


It's funny how people judge another based on their car. Many young drivers lease their cars, or use quite a bit of their cash, which could be saved or invested elsewhere. Cheap energy, as far as I'm concerned, is a thing of the past, gas and oil are horrible pollutants and just paying for insurance is costly.

Instead it's all about what's more convenient.


I could care less if a girl liked me less based on the fact that I don't own a car.

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