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Hi Everyone...


I just need some words of wisdom-last night I broke up with my long-distance boyfriend and it hurts so much right now. It was just too hard for me to keep going and not seeing him like I would like to....


I know most people on here need advice on how to cope with being "dumped" (I know-I was one of them this past summer), but I just need some helpful advice on how to deal with what I'm going through!


Thanks so much everyone



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Hey There,



Well I guess we would start off with your reasons for breaking up with him. Most people (and I assume yourself), do not take a break up lightly, so you must have had some good reasons for ending it.


Have a little faith in your choice. When you are especially sad, think about those reasons and ask yourself if they make sense to you.


Next, keeping busy is very important. Since I am guessing with your name you are a nursing student that shouldn't be too hard ( I just graduated from Nursing school last month so I know how it sucks away your life!) and outside of school make sure that you do take some time to spend with friends who are supportive and make the most of that time as well.


Eat well, get your sleep, and exercise, the endorphins released really do help and it is so good for your body and your self esteem!


And lastly, give yourself time to grieve and know that it's OK to miss him and go through it. You will feel sad for a little while, and that's OK, it's expected, it's part of the process. So allow it, but control it-- don't allow it to control you.


You will get through this!

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Hope75 gave great advice already.


I'm really sorry for what you are going through. It's never easy, and it's a horrible feeling.


It's ok to miss him. That's unavoidable no matter what you do, even when you are the dumper. But everytime you miss him, you need to remind yourself of why it just wouldn't work and how you both deserve better.


Keep yourself busy with fun things. Go out with friends, spend time with family.


It's going to take time. Break-ups usually always do. Just know that you will feel better soon enough, and that we are here for you anytime you just want to talk about it!

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Hey Hope and Meow!!!



I feel like such a jerk right now, but it was a long distance relationship, and it was good-but it was hard to keep it going when I only saw him once every month-month and 1/2. I actually didn't think it was going to be hard like this since I was the one who sort of ended it, but it is.


I'm the kind of person who makes that sort of decision, and then when I get to that point where I miss him like CRAZY, I'll tell him, and then we'll kind of get back together, but I care about him too much to do that, so it's going to be much harder this time, but we're gunna stay really good friends-so I hope that works out!!!


If there is anything else you guys have to say, GO FOR IT!!

Thanks so much though



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I am going through the same thing.


I broke up with him exactly 3 weeks ago.


Hang in there.


If you are staying friends, is that okay with him? Are you going to still be talking? My ex told me that we could not be friends so I took it literally and did not respond to his email. I was a little confused at the time and that was 3 weeks ago.

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Hi Breeze!!!

Thanks for the advice...


Ya, we're going to stay friends-we've already talked about that, and to be honest, the only real thing that will change is the whole intimate part of it of course...We had a really close/jokey/fun relationship and that's what we both want to continue, so I think and I hope that it works out that way...


If I can respond to your comment about your ex not wanting to stay friends-I was "dumped" (I HATE THAT WORD) this summer, and it would have been EXTREMELY hard for me to continue to stay friends with my ex. I needed that space away from him to get over him. I also told him I can't stay friends with him in hopes that he'd take me back, but I'm glad he didn't!!!


So, your ex probably doesn't want to be your friend because it would be too hard for him...and that's understandable!!!


But, I hope that helps!!!

Thanks for your advice-if you need to talk, don't hesitate to ask!




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