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Pain in head


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Okay, so a couple weeks ago at the gym I was doing pullups. As I pulled myself up, my head hurt really bad, like a throbbing pain in the back right of my head. It hurt for about 5 minutes. The pain went away after that, but when I do physical activites I can feel it a lot. Anyone have any idea what happened?




sounds like you were either A-dehydrated or B-you were holding your breath....get some water in you on a daily basis, and breathe when you excersize. if it continues you should go get it checked out with a doctor.


You were probably holding your breath without meaning too. Lots of people do that while exercising. Some people even do it while opening their bowels.


I probably was holding my breath, I don't remember holding it but that would make sense.


I drink a lot of water, I go through about 4-5 bottles when working out, so that's not it.


I have the same throbbing pain in the back of my head!


It first happened while in the shower. From out of nowhere the back off my back started to throb and hurt so bad that I had to sit down in the shower. This happened randomly two more times and I got a cat scan of my brain. Turned out it was a tumor....

nah i'm kidding nothing came up Now I don't get a very serious throbbing pain like I used now. The pain still lingers around at completely random times however.


Exhale on exertion. Inhale on relaxation. Doing otherwise can cause a stroke or heart damage to heart valve. This according to what I learned when a weight training T/A in high school. I studied weight training science for health class. Got an A+. I remember that stuff.


A damaged blood vessle in your head would be a serious concern. I'd go to doctor.


It's also possible that you strongly tensed your neck muscles and pulled or strained a muscle or muscle attachment. Neck muscles attach at back of skull and base of skull. That would be a lot less serious. Let's hope that's it.


I once pulled a neck muscle and slipped a vertibrae out of place in my neck while doing heavy bench presses. I'd tensed my neck unnecessarily and excessively, and pow, pop, crunch. I even saw stars.


Learn to relax other muscles not needed for the excercise you are doing. Another common dufus injury among weight lifters is chipping teeth from clenching jaw during exurtion. Don't do that either. It doesn't help lift the weight, and it can chip teeth, strain or injure jaw or neck, either of which can hurt in back of head.


I'll bet money you either held your breath and strained your circulatory system in your head, or you tightened or clenched either your jaw, neck, or both and pulled a muscle in back of head where a neck muscle attaches. More likely it's an injured muscle attachment.


I've had the same back of head pain and it was a pulled muscle. The high blood pressure related brain injuries that can occur from holding breath during heavy lifting is more likely to occur behind temples. At least that's what I think I remember.


So I'd bet you pulled a muscle, not damage a blood vessle in brain. Besides, your description sounds like it's superficial (not deep in skull). I think it's a pulled or strained muscle or muscle attachment. That can't heal properly if you keep doing excercises that strain it. You need some time off. If it hurts to the touch (press on it and poke it with your hand) then it's the muscle or muscle attachment, which is still something to take serious.


Never tighten, clench, or turn your head to either side when lifting weight, including pullups. Remember to use proper breathing technique.


Go to doctor and get checked. No more excercising until you are checked. What if you did damage or weaken a blood vessel in your head? Want to have a stroke? It can happen at any age, especially from improper weight training. More likley it's an injured muscle attachment, which is less serious, but still painful. It needs rest to heal. Get checked by doctor before excercising again.

  • 7 months later...

Yah, this happened to me as well..


I'm 15, and was doing excercise in my garage yesterday and i was pushin myself to my max everything and then i then decided to finish it with another set of slow pushups, straining every muscle in my body to complete around the last ones I feel this jolt of pain the back of my head and then I drop to the floor I at once I stop working out and rub my head in pain.


It hurt alot then it died down in around 30 minutes i quickly went online to search for whats the problem because right now i still feel the pain lingering in the back of my head..


will I always feel this pain? Will I never be able to workout like I did before??

What happened to me??


I'm too afraid to tell my folks about it knowing how stressed they are, and I don't think I have anyway possible to visit a doctor without them knowing..


I really don't know wha to do..

  • 1 year later...

WOW PLEASE someone message me back on that too, i drink water and I believe I breathe right but possibly my head maybe positioned a bit forwards or backwards too much when I work out. This is REALLY ANNOYING and it frustrates me.

  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I was completely doing the same thing! i was doing pullups.. abit faster than i usually do it.. after i was done then it hit me.. it was crazy throbbing pain in my temporals and in the back of my head.. i thought it was the protein drink i was taking or because i didnt eat that night. so i got a sandwich and it helped alittle bit.. now it still lingers.. can we get professional opinion here? coz i hope this thing is not long term..

  • 2 months later...

I had exactly the same problem as you guys. This crazy pain that first occurred at pull/push-ups but then stayed as lingering and at random points could even get intense. I got a check out today. The doctor told me it was a pulled muscle. I need to stay off training for 8-10 days for it to completely heal.

  • 1 year later...


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