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DEAR Puff....


I am SO TIRED of you being down on yourself !!! You are only 21....you are obviously very social, well read, and attractive. The TRICK to all of this dating stuff is to like YOURSELF. Others can sense it like dogs can smell fear...work on YOU and get all full of yourself and cocky...that's the ticket !

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not this asian guys are getting dubed by all the girls again.


yes alot of girls don't like asian guys. yes alot of asian girl dont like asian guys. Why?? alot and alot of reasons, most might be grossly unfair and stupid. But you know what you can approach it this way.


1) you can't help what all these other ppl feel and want, just work on yourself. be confident and know that you are good enough for anygirl.


2) why would you want someone who will not go out with you just because of your ethnic background anyways? They don't even bother to get to know you.


My best suggestin to this is dont even sweat it, if they don;t want you because you are asian then obviously they are not worth it.

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I'm sorry but I laughed because...there are plenty of women out there who either have never dated asians before and just have no idea or they simply are used to dating their own group of people and probably not sure if that's what they want?


I wouldn't be so negative. I know plenty of girls that would date asians & other races for that matter. Just be who you are

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You know, just because they say they aren't interested in dating asian men doesn't mean that they wouldn't.


I've always thought I'd never be attracted to red-heads and wouldn't you know...I'm still crazy about one.


If you think they're cute you should still try to talk to them. It can't hurt.

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I never used to like redheads myself either, but after last year at school, I've seen a couple that totally changed my perspective on that! Absolute knock-outs.


There's tons of asians girls at my school, Puff. You should move up to Canada, eh?

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I never used to like redheads myself either, but after last year at school, I've seen a couple that totally changed my perspective on that! Absolute knock-outs.


There's tons of asians girls at my school, Puff. You should move up to Canada, eh?


Redheads can either be ridicuously good looking or fugly, there is no between. Thus the Ginger Kid.

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I have always been attracted to brunette men...dark hair...yet my ex was very blonde and now my SO is a blondie as well....I guess it matters more about the individual than ones pre-concieved notions of what they think they like. My oldest son has only dated asian or hispanic girls though...not one blonde caucasion girl. I guess he is very preferential. It will be interesting to see who my sons marry, and what kind of melting pot our family will be.

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DEAR Puff....


I am SO TIRED of you being down on yourself !!! You are only 21....you are obviously very social, well read, and attractive. The TRICK to all of this dating stuff is to like YOURSELF. Others can sense it like dogs can smell fear...work on YOU and get all full of yourself and cocky...that's the ticket !


she's right. I'm always told that I need to be cocky to get girls

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do something stupid to your hair like the stuff you see in Final Fantasy and you have teenage girls crawling around you.


No, seriously, I see asian guys with the best looking girls around here (well they're not the only ones with them but..). It's possible, you just have to believe in yourself.

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Why aren't you going to the Asian community dances? Those things are AWESOME. I've been to a few myself when my Asian friends invited me.


I've danced with more Asian women in one night than all others in my entire life combined. I'm not even Asian (well not enough to see, I'm actually an eighth).


Those dances are fun and the babes are out in force. Why on earth aren't you taking advantage of that?


If I lived in the same local area as you, I'd call some Asian friends and hook you up to go, which would be a good excuse for me to go to another one too.

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Oh, I forgot. You aren't into Asian girls. You like white girls of a certain build, especially blondes. Well white girls are scarce at Asian dances, and the few that are there are likely taken because many Asian guys seem to share your tastes.


FYI - My sister fits what you like (but she's married now). She was an Asian Studies and International Business major and has two degrees. She lived in Japan for 2 years. The Asian dudes liked her to much, which intimidated her and made her nervous. She wasn't used to that level of attention and interest from men. So take that as a clue and act interested, but not to interested when you like.


Many Mexican guys also share your tastes and used to hit on my sister a lot. The Mexican dudes have a reasonably good concept of cool. She married one.


It's difficult to approach a women you really want bad. It's more difficult to do it in a cool, confident way because when you want her that much, you've got pressure on you. However, showing interest in a restrained, controlled, confident manner seems to work best in most cases. Of course exceptions exist, since some women like shy guys.


To bad that Asian dances won't work for your tastes. Well, take me to one then. They work for me.

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I thought you liked..., well never mind then.


Go to the Asian dances then. There's girls galore for you. They're all concentrated into one stop shopping convenience at a single location and time. That's ideal.


Why don't white folks have these type dances anymore? They used to in my grandparents day. We don't have them around here anymore for adults. Not that I know of. Only for kids.


Dances are great, even if you can't dance much, if any. They're a social event whether you dance or not.


Colleges have dances too. You're in school (assuming you signed up).

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