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I come from a family where my mom weighed 98 pounds when she got married and a sister who had thyroid cancer and because of the medication it is very difficult for her to stay thin. I have never been heavy. At my peak I was 5'2" and 133 pounds. Today I am 5'3" and 120 pounds. I LOVE to run and it is my favorite passtime. But IO just like many people get so offended when I am called fat. I have never been called fat if it wasn't a joke, however it still bothers me so much. I mean the top thing on my mind until something else comes along and worries me more. I do wish I could be thinner although I am told it would look gross if I were. it is so frusterating to feel this way. I feel like my mind is suffering the thoughts of an "eating disorder." I don't want to feel this way. I can't help but think the people that tell me I am thin and to stop worrying are lying, or just feel that is their duty as a family member, friend, boyfriend, you name it. I hate this.

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