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Dunno what to make of it...

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Hey...Ok...A girl that I was kinda close too when me and my ex were going out just told me today that she kinda liked me...said that she always kinda had feelings for me but never realized it...I was thrilled because I kinda like her as well...anyways...we were talking and she mentioned that she wasnt a virgin...it kinda shocked me at first...why im not sure lol...it dosnt bother me too bad but i still think about it and am not sure what it is about her not being a virgin that makes me kinda depressed (cant think of a better word to describe it lol). Like I said it dosnt bother me that much but I'm just curious to know what makes me feel like this about it. In case your wondering I am a virgin...dunno if that has anything to do with it or not...thx.

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I can understand how you might feel a bit weird or even insecure about her not being a virgin and you being one. Maybe a little uneasy would be accurate.


Nevertheless, she seems to have feelings for you and you like her too. These "uneasy" feelings you have about her not being a virgin will likely dissipate soon.


Good luck.

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