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I just want to take the time and thank you guys for all the support and advice you have given me in the past few days with my relationship. You opened my eyes and made me realize that I should'nt worry about other guys and not always be jealous because I am the one that she's With. My girlfriend and I are back to where we were when it was just amazing. Thanks again for all your help.

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I'm sorry my friend, but you've listened to the wrong/PC advice, and it's setting you up to get emotionally slapped when this comes back to bite you in the end. Jealousy is a natural human emotion and just because you feel jealous sometimes does not mean that you are one of those psycho guys who take it overboard. Just the opposite, if you never show that you get jealous, your girl is gonna think that you don't care about her/have no spine and she will dump you/cheat on you.

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You keep getting dumped and hurt in relationships and this is the reason why. You are so nice to the point where you hide your true feelings and in this way you have a fake personality. Your girl is looking for the ginuine you, not someone who's gonna pretend that everything is ok all the time.


uhmmmmm? lol

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