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how do you make your boring job interesting?

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I don't see how you can. You know, another poster on another thread made a thought-provoking observation about "cubicle jobs" that are so prevalent these days. They really rob us of an authentic life. Think about it, you're spending most of your waking hours with your eyes riveted on an inanimate object, like a zombie.

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Haha, I feel your pain!! At least I work for a newspaper, so I get out of the office to cover things on a fairly regular basis....but sitting in front of the computer for more than a couple of hours at a time is the worst.


Check out link removed for some fascinating reading, or link removed for some mindless celebrity gossip. I think I'll check back on this thread periodically, too, because I can only look at the same few Web sites so many times a day--they don't change *that* often! And hey, it's Friday. My brain shut off a couple of hours ago.

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Oh, and while I would definitely caution against actually looking for another job at work, you could maybe research other fields that might capture your interest and engage you more than what you're doing right now.


And Scout definitely has a point....although we can find ways to pass the time while we're at work, it's far from the best use of our time. It's unfortunate what is supposed to pass for meaningful work these days.....

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Oh my gosh, I'm in the SAME boat. It's so aggrevating and it feels like such a waste of time.


I have to look like I'm working so I do spend so much time on this site, but I also read probably every news story there is to read and some web comics, only those take about 2 minutes of my time. SO HORRIBLE.


So any advice would be awesome. My day just lags otherwise.

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I suppose you could actually offer to take on new responsibilities, if you have that much free time. Try to figure out an area in your company that you're interested in contributing more to, and see if they'll let you take on some new tasks in that area.

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Wow, you guys are just as unimaginative as I am!


I saw a Dilbert cartoon once where he had a side business selling supplies from the office on e-bay. Now that's creative. (Okay, it's stealing and you would probably lose your job, but still.....)


Maybe I could write a book. Then, once it's published and becomes a bestseller, I could quit my job and live in the caribbean.


Any ideas on a topic for a book?

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Write about three disgruntled office workers, two of whom got fired and one of whom got promoted despite never showing up for work, and their plan to steal money from the company using a computer program. Then some guy who's always asking for his stapler back sets fire to the building.


You could call it Office Space.


Wait a minute...that might have been done already.

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Another tactic is to think of your life without this boring job and the income and lifestyle that goes along with it. How would you feel then? Being unemployed and scraping by?


And after you consider that, maybe focus on your more exciting plans for after work or that get-away this weekend that this job is allowing you to enjoy. Then think of your job as just the rest and recovery time from those times...


That's worked for me before...

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I wish I had internet access in work, All I have access to is the one processing application that is my job . I amuse myself by hiding a sudoku/crossword under work documents (No newspapers allowed on desk). I also draw up BIN/HEX/DEC number tables and convert random numbers.... and play I-spy with my colleagues

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Yeah but more and more companies scan every single thing you do on the internet and don't tell you. They snoop like crazy. I was in front of a computer for 15 years and can no longer do it. I just can't. I want human contact and human interactions. I don't care if I have to sell cars. I am not doing the computer thing anymore all day.


I wish I had internet access in work, All I have access to is the one processing application that is my job . I amuse myself by hiding a sudoku/crossword under work documents (No newspapers allowed on desk). I also draw up BIN/HEX/DEC number tables and convert random numbers.... and play I-spy with my colleagues
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am currently an accountant - I have had two jobs since graduation. BOTH of them were SO boring that I can't stand it! My current job keeps me busy about 1 hour out of 7.5 hours! I hate staring at my computer screen pretending to work. AND when I ask for more work my boss tells me there is nothing to be done!! There are only so many websites I can read over and over again every day. I am looking for a career change and I have only been an accountant for 1 year now!! How aweful that all the schooling is going to waste! If they could actually keep accountants busy they may be able to save some money on those reports they publish every year!

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I subscribe, read and post on about 5-6 message boards while at work. I doubt my work minds much because I am one of the more productive people there (Employee of the quarter twice and in the running for Employee of the year! Yay for 100+ WPM typing speed I think I actually do all my data entry and paper-pushing BETTER when I take a bunch of mini-breaks throughout the day to purge the boredom and cobwebs out of my brain.

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I don't see how you can. You know, another poster on another thread made a thought-provoking observation about "cubicle jobs" that are so prevalent these days. They really rob us of an authentic life. Think about it, you're spending most of your waking hours with your eyes riveted on an inanimate object, like a zombie.


I'd rather be a 9-5 zombie than a hopeless, jobless loser, who's resume is worth less than a computer virus and looks like that of a student who just dropped out of grade 10.

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