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I've Found the Right Girl...


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Hey all,

After much searching, I finally believe that I have found the right girl for me. We've been on a couple dates I guess. We've basically just hung out for a while on Friday or Saturday nights. But I've never really been good at talking to girls about anything really serious. So how should I go about asking this girl to be my girlfriend?


Thanks all,


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Keep your feelings in check as to whether this is the Right Girl for you. You still have much to find out about each other.


You've only had a couple of dates? I would not suggest that you have that conversation about exclusivity yet. It's too soon and you might scare her away. Plus you may be in a different frame of mind yourself 2, 3, 4 weeks down the road.


Have fun. Enjoy each others company. Try not to burden the fun with too much seriousness right now. Plenty of time for that later.

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Go on a few more dates before asking her to be your girlfriend.


Do you think she feels the same way? If so, then go ahead and ask. My only concern is that if you ask her too early on, she might think you're asking her for too much, too soon.


Have fun with this situation and enjoy it.

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Yeah dont jump the gun. You need to be looking at 3 months or so before you have put in enough time to know someone well enough to "make" them your GF. Seriously are you sure she is not Charles Mansons daughter. Slooooow down man. Just have fun and enjoy her company nothing will kill the intimacy faster than jumping the gun.

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