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I think so. I'm sure there have been times when it has not been reciprocated, but generally, if I thought that someone wasn't attracted to me, not even a little bit, I probably would lose the attraction to them. It's not that I'm bitter, but I think the mutual attraction is what can be one of the most attractive things about another person.


Hope that rant made sense

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I guess I tend to be attracted to people who I find physically attractive, but it's more about that person's ability to keep me interested in conversation and that person's ability to 'get me'. There are plenty of people who I find attractive but sometimes you talk to them and it's just like 'NO'. So when I say I'm attracted to people who are attracted to me and vice versa, it's more based on the idea that if I can have a great conversation with someone, there must be a mutual attraction, otherwise one of us would be playing the 'Is someone calling my name?' card. Ha ha.

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I can speak from grand experience: no.


I agree with aymee_lee that when you sense someone's attracted to you, it's very alluring in and of itself. But even this can prove dangerous: some people are flirty without being conscious of it and this can lead to misinterpretations, and alas, disappointment.


Besides, not everyone is built that way: if you are attracted first, the chances that the person reciprocates are too arbitrary to calculate when it comes to instant attraction. Some people have to get to know the person for a long time before they become attracted; others have strange reasons for becoming attracted (e.g. he was buying my favorite soap). There's no comfortable room for generalizing because everyone has their own style when it comes to attraction.

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not really... not going on instant attraction anyway. 9 times out of 10 a girl who I find attractive won't be interested in me, although it all depends how physically attractive you are, the more so then the more likely it is people will be attracted to you.


The more you get to know the person though; if you remain attracted to them; then the more the chance that they are attracted to you too...


I still don't think it's very high though, at some point you're gonna have to make a move that will seem against the odds but it's the only way to find out whether you're on to something.


good luck.

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Just a quickie,


When you meet somebody for the first time and you are instantly attracted to them is it the norm that they are attracted to you also?


Not necesarily - I could be attracted to a celebrity, a married man, a supervisor. The attraction could mean that we are compatible for purposes of a relationship and it could mean that there happen to be some hormones/chemicals flowing that day.

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