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Ok...I'm attracted to 3 women here, lol


1 woman that is 10 years older, and ..well, that's kindof not going to go ANYWHERE.


Another that I only get to see once a week when I go to lunch and is a very attractive and very nice bar maid who i think is interested in me.


lastly, another person who I train in martial arts with, she has a glass eye, and I'm attracted to her, but don't want to be.

How is this possible...I'm attracted to her....but I DON'T WANT TO BE.


I just don't get it...I flirt with her, I show signs of interest, but...why!? I don't want to like her anymore than a friend..and yet I feel like I'm the most attracted to her..whats the deal here!

Anyway...last night...I had a dream...very weird one at that, I guess you could call it a wet dream without the wet bit, because I didn't wake up with a mess.


Anyway...I can't remember it perfectly, but I do remember lying on a matress on a floor, my friend from martial arts was there, and I figured it was his house, as a girl in the dream said that we should do it in his room...

yes...confusing already isn't it.

I didn't see my mate from martial arts in the dream, so no..he was only a voice, anyway, the one eyed girl was also on the matress, and she was lying down facing towards me, I was lying down facing towards her aswell.

She was twirling her hair and then...I dunno what happened, but the other girl that was there just disappeared, and I found myself looking up a corridoor, which looked similar to the corridoor outside of my martial arts centre, when I looked back...the one eyed girl wasnt there, but instead, the girl who I just saw outside took the one eyed girls place (freaking hell!)

then when I looked outside again, the one eyed girl looked as though she was waiting in the corridoor near the stairs with her martial arts bag, and she had a sad expression on her face...then when I looked back..she was lying next to me again....


What The F!!!


Then she was complaining because she wanted to have sex, and I think I said that I had no condoms and that I will only do it safely, and she got angrier, then...the next bit is blank in my mind at the moment...

But, the door to my friends room was open, and a matress was inside there aswell, she was sitting inside, but the door closed as I went to crawl into the room...there was this gap under the door which is kindof strange...the gap was big enough to put my whole fore arm under...so..well..the next bit is kindof detailed...but anyway...


I can't remember what made me put my hand under the door, but when I did, I was playing with the rubber mats that we have at our martial arts centre, and I think I was...I dunno, i had 2 fingers...making a fingering gesture I suppose, and I was fiddling with the edge of the mats, then she gently grabbed my hand, put one finger away, and then ...I felt my finger..go into her then because I was kindof stuck with my arm under the door, my big fella downstairs was enjoying the feeling of it...but yeah, I was faced, stomach down, so it kindof hurt to get an erection, then I could just see around the corner, and ....she was around the corner again, in that corridoor with an even sadder miserable look of disappointment...almost like rejection, and loneliness, as if nobody will ever want her because of her eye (it's hard noticeable)..


I think I just woke up after that, and it was about 5am in the morning, and I was all freaked out not knowing what the hell just happened...so I felt kindof weird and couldnt get back to sleep for about another 2 hours, I kept getting up getting a drink, and going back to bed, trying to relax, but I felt so weird...


Why did I have to have such a dream! It was a good feeling dream, it felt real...not that I have ever had ANY real life sexual experience with women before, but...arg...I just don't get it...I feel so weird, and I havent stopped thinking about whether I should try to show her more interest or not....


It's like I have 2 of me living in me....one wants her badly...the other doesnt know what the hell to do...


I wish I had dreams like this about the 27 yr old that I am attracted to...damn...

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lol @ the glass, wonky eye? was that a deal breaker.


You've lost me on this one bro, if you've got the confidence hit them all up and have a good time in the process. Lets be honest about it you won't be marrying any of them.


Perhaps three is too many to have on the go, try and pick two of them out

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That sounds almost like a John Carpenter movie


Okay. You have four options here. The fourth is staying single - sometimes a good option. So you're attracted to three women.


You should try to understand why you like each woman/girl. For the 10 years older it could be the challenge, for the barmaid it could be the looks, for the girl from the martial arts, it could be pitty.


You should think hard on what you want for yourself at this age. Is it a challenge? An experience? Or someone to be by your side no matter what?


I suppose each woman/girl will have her qualities. Make a choice and assume the responsability. Good luck.

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