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does EVERYBODY cheat sometime????


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alright i was talking to some of my friends yesterday and one of them actually said to me that i'm lucky that my ex only cheated on me once. she says everybody cheats and that her man cheated on her three times. i have cheated during breakups so i don't really consider that cheating. so how many of us have or was tempted to cheat?

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I have never cheated nor ever been attempted to cheat,


If I enter a relationship, I do so wholeheartedly, and another man never even crosses my mind in a romantic manner,


I know that situation holds true for most of my friends as well,


In terms of men, I believe there are many good men,


I have male friends who have never cheated,


And are very dedicated to their gfs,


When you break-up, it seems like your ex is the majority,


But believe me they are the minority,





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alright i was talking to some of my friends yesterday and one of them actually said to me that i'm lucky that my ex only cheated on me once. she says everybody cheats and that her man cheated on her three times. i have cheated during breakups so i don't really consider that cheating. so how many of us have or was tempted to cheat?


I last cheated more than 18 years ago. Seventeen years ago was the first and last time I caught someone cheating on me. It was a pretty effective way at getting rid of the desire to want to cheat on someone I cared about. This is not to say I lost my ability to think "oh it would be nice to . . . with _____." But I simply don't want to make anyone feel what I felt 17 years ago.

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I have never cheated on a boyfriend. I've been cheated on many times by almost all my exboyfriends though, and I would never want to hurt my partner the way that I was hurt. My current boyfriend and I have been together for a year and (almost) 9 months, neither one of us has cheated, even though both of us have been presented with the option throughout the course of our relationship.


Not everybody cheats, only self centered people cheat. I say ditch your boyfriend, because if he truly loved you he wouldn't of cheated on you.


As for your friend, maybe she should get higher standards because if her boyfriend has cheated on her three times and she's still with him, he'll never stop cheating on her.

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alright i was talking to some of my friends yesterday and one of them actually said to me that i'm lucky that my ex only cheated on me once. she says everybody cheats and that her man cheated on her three times. i have cheated during breakups so i don't really consider that cheating. so how many of us have or was tempted to cheat?


I've never cheated - I know what you mean, though. Sometimes you talk to someone who makes statements like that, and you start to think that maybe you're a fool and naive. But no, I don't think everyone does cheat. I hope not. I have to believe that most people don't, otherwise it's tempting just to give up altogether...!


If someone cheated on me ONCE that would be it - I'm not sure how your friend got cheated on three times? Unless she didn't know, maybe, until the end.

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for 17 years never cheated...lots of chances offered...but it never entered my mind...zippo


i think when i was in grade 7 i had two boyfriends for one week...but i wasn't even kissing back then


i don't think i could live with myself if i did that...that being said...i have asked this question to people i know...and its like 88% say that they have and had no problem with doing so...


shakes head...no wonder so many marriages end


the only way i would cheat on my husband is maybe sneaking a peek at his cards while playing poker and he had to take a pee break


and that would make me feel guilty


no wait...once i was really loaded with hubby and we were walking a video of the who and i said whoa look at rodger daltery's * * *...i'd might have a go at that...then i threw up

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I have never cheated on anyone, and would never do such a thing. I was married for 28 years and during my marriage neither of us cheated. There was never any desire or inclination on either side to stray.


I have been in one relationship since my husbands death three years ago, and the guy I was with cheated on me. After a brief period of trying to forgive him and give him a chance to change, it never happened and I broke up with him.


Cheating is not an option in my opinion. I feel that if you do not want to be with someone and you have a desire and need to be with others, then the relationship needs to be ended.


So no , not everyone cheats at some point. There are some that will because they chose to and some that will never cheat on a partner. I commend any an all whom have never cheated and were faithful and true to their parnters.

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if u found u were interested in another person while u were still together, what does that count for....cheating isn't about sex...in fact, sex is the lowest thing on the rating scale...because its the easiest thing to give away and it shows how much u value inimatcy...i think if u start having thoughts of being with someone while still in a relationship, then you have already broken away and cheated...simple

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