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I am stressing so much......offer your wise words...I'll be happy

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I am stressing, it's true. Why is that I am stressing? It is all money. Money is the root of all evil rather the love but this is my problem......


I just recently turned 18. I am upset with myself cause I just partied around the whole summer with no job. I made a little money from babysitting but used that money to pay to fix up a few things so far for my car. This is where my car comes into place.....I want to get a good job for awhile but my car needs all this stuff done to it before I can drive it. My parents want me out of the house, I just want my car, my dad said I can have it if I get him some money quickly. and show him I have a job and pay for my car monthly.....it's funny they want me out, I dont know where to go. I need to make money quick too mind you....my friend is a stripper and told me to come work with her...I dont know what to do! I just want my dad to be secure with money as he is financially struggling like I am and part of the reason is b/c he has 5 daughters, 3 irresponsible, he makes like not enough money....i feel so sorry for being a financial drain in his pocket that I want to get out of the house...but how in the heck am I supposed to get money quickly so he is happy with me and lets me take my car w/e it is I plan on moving to??? I am really stressing...I talked to my one friend she said I need to cool off, Ill be fine...but seriously what would you do if you need to make some fast cash so u can satisfy your parents..?


I am sorry if I am not really making sense...Im venting in a way and I never make sense when I am like this.

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Well, as far as stripping, make sure you REALLY think that one over before making a decision.


I don't know anything about where you live, but would it be possible to find a job somewhere in walking/biking/bus distance?


What if you found a job and just made sure to help your dad out while living there (IE: help pay food, pay gas, pay for your car, etc?) I know it's not moving out, but it's something. I too have parents who struggle financially, and no matter what they always want to help more then they can afford to. You don't necessarily have to take the huge leap right away, there could be a suitable set of baby steps to take.

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don't become a stripper. i think there are few jobs more degrading than that profession. you'll lose a lot of self-esteem in the long run and you might even convince yourself that the job is "okay." i've been to a stripbar once in my life and it's just so... depressing.


you need a gameplan. how much do you want to give your dad, how much do you need to fix your car, how much do you need to live by yourself on a monthly basis (rent, utilities, food, etc)?


determine these values. look at what jobs are nearby that you can get. start determining how long you will need to work to achieve your objectives. unfortunately, most jobs for young people with little skill do not pay that well. but that's okay. persistence, long-term planning, having a gameplan can take you a long way. decide what you want to study in college (or another trade school), how much it will cost to attend, how much you can earn while still in school. getting that post-high school degree will make a significant impact to your potential earnings in the future. so get working on a plan!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello Farfromperfikt,

I would say do NOT become a stripper. It will change you and reduce your self-esteem. You will be exposed to very poor role-models and influences. You have a long life ahead of you being only eighteen. You are facing some serious responsibilities now, but reduce them to manageable steps. Figure out what is the first priority and try to solve that problem first. Then move onto the next problem. Some might overlap in reality, but solve them one by one in your head. It will help so you won't feel so overwhelmed.

I would think about what you like to do and see if there is a job in that area. You can look for a job and go from there. Just looking will make you feel better.

Best of luck.

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