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What do you think is the absolute BIGGEST turn-off?


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Haha...I don't know if this is in the right category but whatever. I'm just wondering what you guys/girls think is the biggest turn-off ever. For me it's definitely man {mod edit} and guys that think they can get any girl (for example: Cameron off Laguna Beach) LOL. I'm interested to hear what all of you think is the biggest turn-off

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For me it's women that claim to be 'bi-sexual' because they think it's cool.


I don't care at all if a woman is bi or not, doesn't interest me whatsoever.


Also women who are addicted to playboy symbols and pink stuff, we get a lot of that in England, very annoying.


Biggest turn off for me is having to have sex quickly!

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hm. I've got several.


bad body odor, bad breath

excessively angry


acting like god's gift to women

mean to animals

seems to be "a player"

talks about other women he is dating on our date (yes, this has happened to me many times, and they don't understand why it's such a turnoff

is critical of me or my hobbies or my goals.

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A man who has had 7+ partners.


Beyond that is too many marks on the bedpost for me.


one guy I dated told me he "only" had sex with 6 women. however, he was in his 30s, and if you figure most people start having sex around 18, that means he's had 1 new partner every 2 years, which actually isn't so bad.

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Drug Use,


Lack of motivation to accomplish goals and dreams,

Asks questions like "Are you an affectionate person" on the first date (When it seems like they are really asking "how long till we...) Makes it clear that that is something they usually do in early stages of relationship.

Someone who acts like they are something they are not.

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Women that talk too much but don't actually say anything


Women who dont know men well enough to know that they dont think like women (ie: we are not interested in where you bought your purse)


Women who play games


Fashion victims (just 'cause it looks good on Paris Hilton doesn't mean it will look good on you)


Women who think that just because they are attractive means that they behave anyway they want.


and my personal favorite


scene in a restaurant

me: aren't you going to order anything?

her: nah, not hungry, besides I'm watching my weight

me: um OK

her: that looks delicious, can we share that, I'm starving

me: well why didn't you order anything?

her: I wasn't hungry then

me: well order it now

her: nah, I'll just eat some of yours.

me: (thinking) alright, this girl's gotta go, I don't care how cute she is

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Once I really liked a guy but when he came close to kiss me, he smelled so strongly of milk. LOL. BIG turnoff.


Too much cologne.

Shoes without socks.

Guys who play games.

MEAN boys.

When guys walk too fast and leave us girls to try to rush to keep up.

Fidgeting with their wallet at the cash register because they're supposed to pay for something, but then once it gets awkward you realize they aren't going to so you just pay instead. (Or am I the only one this happens to..?)

Guys who yell or are rude to people they don't know.

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scene in a restaurant

me: aren't you going to order anything?

her: nah, not hungry, besides I'm watching my weight

me: um OK

her: that looks delicious, can we share that, I'm starving

me: well why didn't you order anything?

her: I wasn't hungry then

me: well order it now

her: nah, I'll just eat some of yours.

me: (thinking) alright, this girl's gotta go, I don't care how cute she is



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