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Why does it happen like this


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I met this great girl awhile back and went out a few times, just on a friendly basis with a group, we always ended up sitting talking together and got along great. The catch to it going any further... she has a boyfriend, to me that means no go. but we stay friends, only friends. as time goes by we continue hanging out every once in awhile, for lunch etc. so I start dating this girl I met this summer, we are having a great time together, everything fits, everything's cool... except the first girl is now avaliable as I now know after this past weekend and wants to turn our friendship into something more...

Why do things happen like this? it's not fair! but all I can hope for is to not hurt anyone. I can't date both of them, and I do have feelings for both...... I don't know what to do, I guess I have to sit down and figure out what I want then stick to it.

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she's made it pretty clear, the conversations have been leaning more and more that direction, she's been physically getting closer when were together hanging out. She hugs more and looks into my eyes when were sitting around, and kissed me this last weekend. not the peck... and she wasn't drinking. Now she wants to go out this weekend...

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