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lovers now friends?


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a met my now ex 5 years ago . we have spent many times emotionally and physically and experienced many things a home together and everything . i myself had found someone i wanted to be with forever and thats why today im in for the long haul with my emotions. it seems like all her new experiences with me became "like money in the bank" and now she wants to spend it and move on. Im left with no choice i had to move out and save myself from being the ultimate sacrifice of seeing her move to someone else. she has played emotional tennis with me for weeks and i was told by her eventually she had made her mind up weeks ago . in that time we had been on a great holiday made love and i felt she was the one i should finally tell about my child abuse issues. welcome to the bomb going off and reality. shes been able to switch off, "sorry i wasnt there for you i didnt know how to deal with it" and i still care for you we can still be friends.. sunday i said to myself no more tex tand admit your on your own with this youve lost the lot. first time in 5 years weve had nc. today is wednesday and ive struggled and been suicidal. today a text from her," im concerned about yo. u i havnt heard, are you ok? .....it left me in a situation because eventually i will have to be in touch anyway

my problem is ive still got financial stuff to sort and shes going to drag her heels i know, because of her uncertainties so i cant just walk away nc and and thats it. do i just say im ok or do i close it and say "only contact me when she needs to i need to get over her and shes decided what she wants and should let me try to build my life if she doesnt want me.im dreading doing this and letting go in case i cant cope .

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I suggest strict NC with her. Don't consider suicide because when you're content with your life after this mess, it will not have been worth it. I and many others have been through a shattered heartbreak - you know, the one where you feel like nobody has ever felt the way you do - well, we've been there. It's no doubt, not easy to get through and especially not at the beginning. But, there's hope and once you weather the storm then the sun will begin to peek through slowly but surely.


PM me if you need to talk. Hang in there.

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yeah, keep up with the NC. My ex called last night. I was home, she left a mesage saying "I'm just calling to see how you're doing." I let her leave her message. I then played in back once, deleted it, deleted her number from my caller ID. no biggie. I continued listening to Johnny Cash live at Madison Square Garden. It wasn't hard to do. NC, not stopping Johnny Cash, that is.

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