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Baby smiles


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So, how can I tell the difference between my baby smiling because of gas or because he's genuinely pleased at my presense? I thought my antics had really gotten him tonight, but then he farted and stopped "smiling." How will I tell the difference?


He's 14 weeks old, but since he was a preemie, he's only 3 weeks old developmentally. I've heard babies start really smiling around 6 weeks. Is that true?


Either way, I sure do love seeing that big gummy grin, even though I know it's only gas pains.

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No - he's actually 14 weeks old, but since he was 11 weeks early, he's at the developmental age of about 3 weeks. He'll be about 3 months behind in developmental age until he's about 2 years old. It kinda throws me off, all the math.


And yes, he IS why I'm up at 3 in the morning.

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