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Ok, this is WAY embarrassing...but being hispanic I tend to be somewhat more hairy than other girls. I want to remove hair from ALOT of places And I shave but I wanna try something that lasts longer and WORKS like waxing maybe. I've heard waxing doesn't work well on very thick hair like mine. and Nair didn't work for me either Is there anything that works for thick hair and lasts a good amount that you can do yourself without going to a place to get it done. thanx!!

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Hmm I think I have longer arm hair than a typical woman but I don't shave mine. I don't think it bothers my bf though.


Back to Yvette's question: I have pretty thick and stubborn hair too that grows out very fast. I have to shave my armpits and legs everyday or it gets stubbly and annoying I've tried using that Nair stuff and it doesn't work on me! It always leave something behind! I think I'm gonna look into waxing though. I started getting Brazilian waxes on my private area and the hair seems to grow back a lot thinner and slower.

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I do not know if this will help but here's how I see it... I'm a white guy, and im in love with a latina. We are engaged and all that good stuff. She has the same hairy problem and it does not bother me at all. I do not prefer things to be hairy but since it's her I find it beautiful. Just a thought...


awww...that's sweet! My bf HATES hariness!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not gonna let him see mine though! I am constantly shaved, but it's a drag cuz it's soooo often and in so many places I don't want him to see how I really am because I dn't wanna turn him off. YA know? even if you love someone...stuff can still turn you off (like for me bad breath! ick)

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Since we're on the topic of "hair", I have a shaving etiquette question. Since women shave their legs, are the arms supposed to be shaved too?


I don't know many women who shave their arms. Armpits yes, but not forearms. I have waxed mine a couple of times because I wanted them to grow back a bit thinner. It didn't work.

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