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I think i got my glow back :P


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ok here is my story after 2 years of having a relationship with my ex she dumped me while i still was hopelessly in love i have done strict no contact ever since apart from a small gestore in the clubs or something.


i was depressed like hell tried to get back into the dating again.

Just to forget here but i failed really hard

cause if youre depressed you just dont ''shine''

And nobody and i mean nobody likes a griever or a sobber just not actractive


but after 1,5 month of NC i feel stronger then ever.

Still sometimes weird to see her but i laugh at the guys she is with + she with guys that i know so its kinda funny.

but still you get that weird feeling in you knowing its over but you shared so much kinda hard to explain but we all know about that eh


Last time i heard from her friends that i dont go ahead with baby steps forward in healing but with huge steps so in other words she says How can you forget me so fast

Cause i barly talk to them so they dont know my situation


So i go on this trip for my work (buddy system of ppl with down syndrom)

But man the girls there kept hitting on me there the even sent there clients to get my number


And to be quiete honest i really like it im ME again i shine i make ppl laugh and im me sparking self again which made ppl (And me ex) like me/love me

I do still miss her but the love part is just witherd i dont know how to explain.

Though i really get a kick of meeting some one new everytime and getting lots of new friends (and who knows a potenional new G/F haha )



for we all know you need to love youreself in order to love someone else


So my advice is to all of you if you want to move on or want to get back.



And happiness wil find there own way with or without youre ex

Later all and love to all !!!!

BTW sorry for the typo's

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