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What are some of the signs that a guy is in it for a good time only?


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I am wondering what are some of the signs that u have seen that say a guy is in it for just a good time or a booty call?



I will start out for the good time only since I just figured this one out myself.... its happpened to me 2 or 3 times now so I am a firm believer in it now.


The 2am call to come over to his place.



Also what are some of the signs that a guy is in it for real?


On this I am clueless.... or maybe he just doesnt call at 2am to come to his place haha.

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a guy that's into you will call you at normal hours of the day to ask you out on a real date. The only time you hear from him won't be at midnight. he'll call you a few days in advance and set up a date with you. he'll show up when he says he will, and will be kind and respectful towards you.

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Just wait to have sex until you have been dating at least a few months and only once you are exclusive and committed. The men who are only interested in a good time won't wait that long. Carry yourself like a lady, with confidence and don't accept last minute dates especially in the beginning. If you have to ask for respect you will know that it is not instinctive to him and that he is not a gentleman. If you treat yourself with respect the players will know that you will not be won over by a line or be easy, leaving the men who are sincere.

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Ask him what sort of a relationship he is interested in? Talk to him about his goals, his current situation, pretty much any question you want to ask him.


If he lies or is deceptive, then it really won't matter whether he is in it for the long term or not. That wouldn't be the type of man you want to date anyhow.


Expect honesty and give him no less in return.

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A guy who is interested in a real relationship will want to talk to you a lot about all sorts of things. Not expect sex. He may 'want' it but won't be so selfish as to 'expect' it. He will be considerate of what you want to do on a date and seem interested. He won't call you at bizarre hours if he knows you are sleeping. He will be easily gotten hold of if you want to talk to him.


A booty call guy will be hard to get hold of on the phone. Some even only give out their pager numbers or email addresses and no phone numbers. He will call when it's convenient for him, not you. He will give vague answers to personal questions, ask very few questions of you and be painfully obvious in 'trying' to seem interested in what you have to say. A lot of the time a player's favorite line is, "I don't know." or "I don't talk about stuff like that."

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Just wait to have sex until you have been dating at least a few months and only once you are exclusive and committed. The men who are only interested in a good time won't wait that long. Carry yourself like a lady, with confidence and don't accept last minute dates especially in the beginning. If you have to ask for respect you will know that it is not instinctive to him and that he is not a gentleman. If you treat yourself with respect the players will know that you will not be won over by a line or be easy, leaving the men who are sincere.


I'd question this. Relationships can't work with a tick list. Oh, it's been two dates, let's have a kiss, it's been three so I can get some tongue action. Every person and relationship is different, you can't apply the same rules to everyone it just doesn't work like that.


To the original poster, if he want's to spend time, serious time with you then he is interested properly. If he is popping over once a week for a pizza and a shag don't accept it. Use your judgement and see how it goes.

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I'd question this. Relationships can't work with a tick list. Oh, it's been two dates, let's have a kiss, it's been three so I can get some tongue action. Every person and relationship is different, you can't apply the same rules to everyone it just doesn't work like that.


To the original poster, if he want's to spend time, serious time with you then he is interested properly. If he is popping over once a week for a pizza and a shag don't accept it. Use your judgement and see how it goes.


It's not about a tick list, it is about getting to know a person before you get too involved by sleeping with them.


For example, if you have known someone for several years and been friends with them, then you know who they are inside so having sex with them early is not a problem.


However, if you are dating someone you met over the internet, you don't know this person from a hole in the wall and should exercise caution before falling for them. People can keep up a charade for a while, but it is difficult to keep it up for 3-4 months. that is why waiting to have sex for that long is good.


How many people thought they met the loves of their life only to find 1 month into dating that they are already married!

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I'm glad you asked this. I was just putting my own 'list' together after having a horrible series of let-downs.


1. He ONLY calls you at certain times of the day (Also applies if he doesn't call you after a certain hour of the night, i.e. 10p.m.)


2. You've been trying to get to know him for 2 weeks now and you still don't know much about him.


3. He breaks promises when he says he's going to call or come visit (this may not indicate he wants a booty call necessarily, it does however indicate that he's not very interested in putting his best foot forward).


4. Your 'dates' are never spent out in public. Mostly at your house or his.


5. You live in the same city but have never met any of his friends or family (this applies moreso if you've been dating for a few months)


6. Your phone conversations last no more than 5-10 minutes at a time.


And, the other posters are correct; you should definitely sit back and let him show himself before you allow him in physically. Good luck!

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You're seeing sex and falling someone way too close for me to agree with you.

If it works for you then great!


In answer to your question I really don't know.....





It's not about a tick list, it is about getting to know a person before you get too involved by sleeping with them.


For example, if you have known someone for several years and been friends with them, then you know who they are inside so having sex with them early is not a problem.


However, if you are dating someone you met over the internet, you don't know this person from a hole in the wall and should exercise caution before falling for them. People can keep up a charade for a while, but it is difficult to keep it up for 3-4 months. that is why waiting to have sex for that long is good.


How many people thought they met the loves of their life only to find 1 month into dating that they are already married!

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well, i think having sex early on isn't bad if you're in it for fun.


however.... the title of this thread is "what are some of the signs that a guy is in it for a good time only?" If she's trying to figure out if a man she is dating only wants a good time, the easiest way she can tell is to put off having sex for a few months. If he is into her, he will wait. if he is only into having a good time, he won't wait that long.

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That's not easy is it....in fact i'd say it's very hard to put off having sex.


Okay, i'm British, male, late 20's and have everything to offer someone imo. The way I see it is I don't want to be with someone for sex, I actually want to be with someone for life, no I shouldn't mind waiting BUT sex is a part of my life I don't want to miss out on so I, personally wouldn't wait a few months to 'prove' myself. I'm not looking for a booty call BUT i'm also not looking to be a monk either.


I think people should talk, be honest and if you believe them to be sincere all of the ticklist is null and void.


As I said though, whatever works for you I think is great! Just remember though you could let an amazing guy slip you by.



well, i think having sex early on isn't bad if you're in it for fun.


however.... the title of this thread is "what are some of the signs that a guy is in it for a good time only?" If she's trying to figure out if a man she is dating only wants a good time, the easiest way she can tell is to put off having sex for a few months. If he is into her, he will wait. if he is only into having a good time, he won't wait that long.

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I think people should talk, be honest and if you believe them to be sincere all of the ticklist is null and void.


just because you believe someone to be sincere doesn't mean that they are. like I said, plenty of people who thought they were dating a single person have found that their partner was actually married with kids!!! people lie.


plus with so many sexually transmitted diseases out there, it is wise to wait until you both have been tested for diseases and know each other pretty well.


in my experience, I've found that when a guy really likes a girl, he will wait for her to be ready to have sex. he may not like it, but if he is really crazy about her, he'll wait a few months for sex. if a guy can't wait until i am ready and feel right and comfortable, he is not the one for me.

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