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What exactly should I eat!!!

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Hi I work strange hours- finish work at 10 every night. I dont have a break to eat dinner at work- and I cant afford to eat out so I have to cook at home - I get home around 10.30- by the time I sit down to eat its usually 11.30.


Thing is.... everyone tells me its unhealthy to eat a lot so late- but I'm really HUNGRY!!!!! I've been putting on weight I guess because I'm eating a lot of carbohydrates at night (so I'm told)


I'm not up on food info---- what can I eat that's suitable AND filling????

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If I am really hungry late at night- I will eat either:


*bowl of whole grain/high fiber/high protein/low sugar cereal with 1% milk


*multigrain english muffin with with either natural peanut butter or eggwhites & green tea



If you are hungry- it's important that you eat. Your body is telling you something. Just eat something that is less likely to be stored as fat.


Avoid fatty junk food , sugary foods, or white carbs (white bread, potatoes, pasta) late at night.



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Is there any way you can take a small dinner to work and take a few bites here and there? You don't even have a short break?


If anything I would say that you should make yourself a dinner that you can take to work.. but maybe that's just not possible.


If you must eat at night, like BellaDonna said, avoid junk food and sugary food.

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Even if you brought a snack to work- I think it would help.


I agree that would be a good idea. It's just the organisation factor. I'm an out of bed-breakfast- shower- straight to work kinda guy. I guess its just a question of changing habits.


I love cereal (though its incredibly expensive here). Just need some really good ideas - I'm not a bad cook but I'm cooking all the same heavy things. I dont eat junk food at all.

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If you really want to start eating healthy, you need to make time for it. Even if it means you have to wake up 15 minutes earlier to make a sandwhich that you can eat while at work, or something.


Maybe go to the store and look for healthy food that you can make quickly before work.

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I agree that would be a good idea. It's just the organisation factor. I'm an out of bed-breakfast- shower- straight to work kinda guy. I guess its just a question of changing habits.



My husband is the same way. So what he does is he makes a banana bread on his day off using whole wheat flour, sugar substitute, eggwhites. He cuts it into slices and just grabs a slice on his way out of the door. That way he always has a whole grain, low fat, low sugar, high fiber and quick portable snack available to him at work.




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Do you usually go to sleep right away? If you don't need to wake up early in the morning for work then I'd suggest staying up for an hour or two after eating just so that the food can digest. At least you can burn off some calories that way . . .


Yeah right now I'm sleeping pretty late- 3 or 4 because I dont need to get up until lateish morning. But I'd rather be going to bed before 2- I heard thats much better for you. But I'm still putting on the pounds.

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