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The Truth


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The truth, can it be begotten from the person who rejected you? A friend whom you have professed your love for. Yet this friend spurns your love for he/she does not feel this way. You beg for "why" and "can it change", "what did I do wrong". They have no answer. What is the truth? Why can't they tell you the truth? For you would change to win their love, twist yourself to fit their mold. For that is sacrifice and love. What else is there.

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Hey hennypenny,


It's human nature to avoid conflict,


This friend isn't tell telling you the "who, what, when, where, why & how,"


Because they don't want to hurt your feelings,


You can profess your love to them all you want,


But unless it's reciprocated,


You are just left with an empty shell,


How about moving on, and focusing only on you,


You must love yourself before you can love another,


And if you need them to tell you how to change,


You aren't fully loving yourself,


You should never change for another person,


Unless you have some glaring flaw,


But your core is YOURS and only yours,


So have some fun and try to forget about getting an answer.





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I want this person to like me, desire me. Yet they desire another. What do I NOT have that someone else has, that is the question I wish answered. Yet, the person has no answers for me.


Maddening, the throes of agony I travail. Wishing, hoping, wondering, what is the piece missing in the puzzle, to the understanding of human nature of this one person. What am I missing? What is the elusive Grail? I must find out. He will not tell me. Who will?


There must be a solution. To winning someone's love. Else, life is just not worth living. Life is dismal. What is the answer to the million dollar question. For I would give a million dollars, or all that I have, to understanding the elusive question of what it takes to win one's love?

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