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Dating, love, or in love with dating?


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So I have gone from relationship to relationship and have noticed a similar trend. I become single at some point, which initially I enjoy immensely. Then of course I get the calling to be with someone again. I usually sit around and think about intimate moments you can share with someone. I daydream about sharing my life with someone else, and how I would do all the little romantic things to make that person happier than they have ever been.


So then I start dating again and everything starts off great. I do all those little cute couple things and love it. Of course at some point this tapers off and everything just dies. I get to the point where I don't seem to care about the relationship all that much, I just seem to take the other person for granted. The whole time I know things are slipping and I don't seem to care about it. At times I start wanting to be single again, I feeling like maybe I am missing out on something else. I want my space to do my own things and to be selfish.


I am not sure if I am in love with the idea of romance, or the person I'm actually with, or possibly that I have just not met the right one. In any case it has me a little worried this time around as I'm sick of hurting other people and disappointing myself. I have been out of a 6 month relationship for about 3 months and have not dated yet because I feel I need to fix a bunch of crap in my life, basically I'm doing some soul searching. I am sure others have felt this way, what are your thoughts?

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I have considered that, the only problem is all my friends and almost all of theirs are male. I have reached the age where everyone is married or in a relationship as well as their friends friends.


How do you approach women to just be friends? This seems a little awkward to me.


I do have a few girlfriends, don't get me wrong they are great people, but I am not attracted to them in the least.

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It sounds like you are just going through the motions with relationships. I dont know if you are at the point where you want something to go to the next level as in marriage but it doesnt seem like you are. Hopefully during this time you are learning about relationships, yourself and others.

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I met a girl, went on a few dates and then told her I wanted to be just friends. She was ok with it. Wasnt sure If i wanted to be more then friends but decided on just friends. Im also friends with my ex g/f.


Basically tell them on the 2nd date you want to be just friends or if they move in for a kiss or make out session first date push them back and tell them just friends. Tell them you would like to hang out with them- go out to dinner, a movie, hiking, whatever your interests are, etc. Make sure to tell them this because one of my friends did not really understand what I meant. She thought friends with benefits lol, I told her nope on that one! I would point out no friends with benefits, unless you want it..


any more questions post up

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