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to girls.....whats ur perfect guy looks like,dress like,and act like?


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this is to all girls


face wise wat do most girls look for?what kind of hair style is in style? what about facial hair?....how important is a clean face from acne/scars?........what about height wise..how short is too short..........body wise how important are nice arms, nice abs and not being fat.......what about how to dress, what kind of jeans do girls like, shoes, shorts, like that..........personality wise what things do girls like???....


thank you ladies

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As far as dress goes, it should probably reflect your personality. Someone edgy in bright colors or vice versa is probably going to come off as contrived - if it feels natural to you, it looks good in general because you hold yourself differently when you're dressed comfortably.


As far as complexion goes, just take care of yourself. In general what matters most in terms of how you look is how confident you feel as a direct result of your looks. It's your style, how you express yourself, long hair or short, clean shaven or not. It's also about convenience.


You can look through magazines to get a sense of what is thought of as attractive, but that's Hollywood's opinion, not the opinion of the person you're with/want to be with/want to attract. Real people most likely have different preferences in terms of what they consider attractive than the media. So you might see a ton of tall, toned guys with clear faces and rigid features, but hey, that's after hours in makeup, and those people are only attractive to people who actually get magazines (and not even all of them) and not all girls.

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Attrctive looks will help you (but not necessary and easily overcomable) to get the interview, but they won't get you the job. As for what to wear, it's hard to define someone else's personal style. Best thing to do is to settle into something you feel like you look good in. Some guys look good in preppy clothes, some look good in cowboy gear, some like the goth look. I've seen all kinds of style look good on guys, but the most important thing is to have a distinct style. Girls will notice if you settle into your own niche.


Dressing right is important, but how you communicate is much more so. Even your non-verbal communication is probably the most important thing you could work on.

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It's silly to ask what "most girls like"

These things vary so much from girl to girl AND guy to guy. Not only are girls attracted to a variety of different styles and types of men, but different styles of dress, facial hair, etc suit different men much better than others. Instead of doing what you think most people will find attractive or like, why not decide what YOU like, and do that? That would suit you best of all.

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Well....you cannot GET an answer to this. Almost every girl will give you something different.


For me personally, whichever guy I'm in love with IS the perfect guy. Right now, this means my perfect guy is 5ft 7ins, thin, dark haired, some but not much facial hair, a casual/youthful dresser...he's very perceptive, caring, smart, funny and thoughtful. His patience is endless and he's romantic.


Everyone has different tastes - some girls will find you attractive, some won't - it's nothing wrong with you, it's just that we all vary.


Don't you think that if there was a List Of What ALL Girls Find Hot, it'd have been discovered by now??


Good Luck

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