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A rediculous ex boyfriend and best friend situation

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The bottom line is that their relationship, or non-relationship, isn't about you. It's about them and how they feel.


IMO there is no valid rule about not dating a friends ex. I don't know who made that up but it does seem prevalent and it's wrong. If two people can find happiness together why should an old relationship stand in their way? That seems to me to be selfish and inconsiderate of others feelings and happiness.


If their relationship goes bad, well so be it. Many do.

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Those latin papy's do it to the girls all the time. Sorry I felt the need say something totally irrelevant. Anyway here is what I get from your post no matter what you said you are so still feeling for him and yes there is this sort of unspoken rule not to date each others ex's but this is really eating at you and the only thing I can get from it is ya still got feelings for him. So you can either sabotage their relationship (which is a no no) or you can cut ties with the both of them and begin to heal and let go.

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I don't know... I think you still have a lot of feelings about this situation. it seems to have shaken you a bit.


anyways... we are missing one more person's story... your boyfriends. you have been dating him for about a year and a half now, right? how do you think he would feel if he knew you were upset about the bill/jodi situation?


if I had a boyfriend that was upset over a similar situation, i would be concerned that he wasn't 100% over his ex. i would be having serious doubts about our relationship.


If you are as happy with your bf as you say you are, why do you care about jodi's and bill's situation? if it is a mistake, they will find out on their own.


i have been on both sides - I had a friend date my ex, and it wasn't a big deal. I figured, if they made each other happy, then they should go for it. Another friend accused me of going after her ex (whom she broke up with!) and I wasn't even going after him! I ended the friendship because as an adult, I don't like being told whom I am and am not allowed to hang out with.


so... if you are uncomfortable with this situation... maybe you should focus less on jodi's relationship and more on your own.

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Take it easy chica I wasn't attacking you or anything. But since you want to be nasty about it let me be very blunt and clear You cant control people it dont work that way just cause you dated him or was with him dont mean you can tell or ask who he can and cant see. Now I agreed with you about the friends dont date ex's. And whether you have feelings for him or not that I was sharing what the impression I got I hope you dont cause you are in a relationship and you are gonna end up hurting him, but if you do in anyway have any feelings for your girls man (I know you hate sound of that) try to get past and over it you be happy with your new man let them be miserable. And no need to curse or shout up in here.

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